Chapter 11

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"Hey, Lia.", a warm hand found my shoulder, rubbing it slightly. I opened my eyes. "Luke!", I quickly sat up in the bed, jumping in his arms.

"You okay? You all healed?".

He nodded. "Yeah. Magnus took good care of me.", he looked over his shoulder, to Magnus, who was leaning against the door frame.

"Morning, biscuit. I heard what you did yesterday? The painting?".

I nodded.

He let out a chuckle, somehow proud. "That's my girl.".

I turned back to Luke. "Okay, let me just get showered and dressed. I'll meet you in the trainingroom in like 15 minutes.", I got up, hissing, as my muscles still ached.

"Lia, what?", Luke asked, but I shook it off.

"All good.", I gave him a kiss to the cheek, before walking in my ensuite.

I walked into the training room last, a steaming cup of coffee in my hands. Quietly walking in, I stood next to Jace, who was listening intently to the discussion that was going on between Hodge, Magnus and Luke.

I wasn't quite awake enough to tune in, so I just took another sip of coffee, before handing it to Jace. He shot me a look, only now realizing that I was there. "Hey. Thanks.", he took the cup out of my hands.

"The room that Lia painted. I've been there before. 20 years ago. It was Jocelyn's study. If I'm not wrong, all of Jocelyn's things must be in the precinct. In the evidence locker. When we investigated her murder, all those years ago, her things must've been confiscated.", Luke spoke.

"That's perfect, this should be easy.", I said, and Magnus chuckled.
"That's what General Custer said.", he smirked, sitting down.

"Magnus is right. There are Valentine's spies all over the precinct. We have to be discreet.".

Hodge clapped his hands together.

"All right, Jace, Lia, you'll go with Luke. Call if you need back-up.", he ordered, and we nodded.

"All right.", Luke looked around the street, not too discreetly.


"I'll get the magnetic card for the evidence locker from my desk, and then text you. We'll meet on the 4th floor. All right?", Luke said, and I nodded.

We watched him disappear into the building. I let out a sigh.

"I've got a weird feeling about this.", I let out.

"Wait, weird feeling as in you think it's gonna rain, or weird feeling as in one of your premonitions?", Jace questioned.

I scoffed. "Please don't see me as this magical oracle. I don't know what the hell I'm doing, most of the time.".

Jace's eyes were suddenly fixated on something behind me. I turned around, and watched as Peter was making his way in the precinct.

"What the hell is he doing here?", Jace questioned.

"No idea. He looks stressed out though.", I muttered.

"The only thing I can see is the black eye you gave him.", Jace chuckled.

I sighed, lighting a cigarette and taking a puff.

"Is it meant to take this long?", I asked after a few seconds of silence.

In the Shadows (Shadowhunters, Jace Wayland)Where stories live. Discover now