Chapter 9

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My thoughts lingered on Jace for a few seconds, before breaking myself out of it.

"What do we do now?", I asked, standing up. Magnus walked out the next room, this time calmer.

"The potion has to cook anyway. We can't do anything without the missing ingredients."

"So, what now?".

He chuckled. "Well, this gives us time to explore your... abilities.", he smirked.

"Why do I get the feeling you're enjoying this way too much?", I asked, crossing my arms.

"Well, it isn't every day I get a Shadowhunter-Seelie to play with.", he grinned, rubbing his hands. "Okay, Seelie magic is very similar to Warlock magic, just a little more... nature based. Here, let's try this.", he grabbed a potted plant from the table nearby. "You get your power from nature around you. Concentrate on it. Take it in.", he gave me the plant. I touched the leaves.

I focused on the green leaves, the faint streaks going through it. I gasped as I felt warmth flooding through my body. It wasn't much, but I could feel it.

"Good.", Magnus said. "Let's start with something simple. Light. Here.", he took my hand, turning it so the palm faced upwards. "Think of a glow, light, brightness in its essence. Feed off the energy of the plant.", he said, taking a step back. I nodded slowly. One hand on the plant, I closed my eyes, my mind focused. I tried to channel as much as I could, and only opened my eyes when I felt something warm on my other hand.

A gasp escaped my lips when I saw a glowing ball of light in my palm.

"Quick study, I see.", Magnus smirked.

My eyes fell to the plant and I frowned when I saw its leaves completely dried up.

"You'll learn. You won't need as much strength from one source, and you'll be able to use your surroundings without touching them.", I let go of the plant, shaking my hands out.

"Okay, what next?", I asked, and Magnus chuckled. He walked over to his bookshelf, grabbing a massive one, and handing it to me.

"Start studying, biscuit.".

"This is infuriating.", I muttered, my stretched out towards the candle. I was trying to light it with my mind, but something wasn't working.

"Relax, honey.", Magnus commented, stirring the potion. "Focus on the energy around you.".

I took a breath, slowing myself down.


I grinned when the small flame started to flicker.

"Fuck yes.", I grinned, when a noise from the sofa made me jump up. Luke was groaning, mumbling something.

"Luke!", I stumbled to his side. Magnus hovered his hands over Luke's chest, a blue smoke coming from them.

"The venom is spreading.", he said, and Luke let out a scream of pain.

"Let me take your pain away.", Magnus mumbled, focusing his power on Luke. He calmed down, but the room felt like it was trembling.

"The potion still needs Commodo scale. Find it, and add the other ingredients when Jace comes back. You'll have to feed it to Luke.", Magnus called, a frown on his face.

"What about you?", I called back.
"I'll hold on as long as I can!".

I stumbled out of the room, into what seemed to be his stash of magical herbs. Scanning the shelves, I finally found what I was looking for. I quickly mixed it in with the antidote, my eyes flickering to Magnus. He looked exhausted, swaying back and forth slightly. I gasped, when he slumped back. Before I could come to him, I was surprised to see Alec rush in the room, tucking his bow behind his back, and catching Magnus from collapsing.

In the Shadows (Shadowhunters, Jace Wayland)Where stories live. Discover now