Sealed with a Kiss

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Chapter 13- Sealed with a Kiss

Mason's POV;

It's been a few days since Henry (kidnapper guy) offered me the job. He makes me do all sorts of things. I have to clean the house, make breakfast, lunch and dinner etc but best of all watch Rebecca. She has been quite upset during the past few days. She's just missing her family I guess.

I walked to Rebecca's bedroom. I silently stood by the door. She was crying again. I chapped the door.

"Bekka, it's me. Can I come in?"

"Yeah, I'm not naked."

I chuckled, unlocked the door and walked in. Rebecca was sitting with her knees at the chest in a corner. She wiped the tear that was about to fall from her eye and sniffed. I sat beside her.

"Bekka, what's wrong?" I said, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.

"N-nothing." She shook her head.

"It can't be nothing, I mean look at you. You have obviously been crying your eyes out." I half smiled at her.

"It's just... Ugh." She sighed and closed her eyes.

"Bekka, come on you can tell me."

"Well, I just hate this place. I feel like an animal in a cage. I'm locked up in a room all day, every day. I'm fed up Mason, I want to go home." She burst into tears and put her head down.

"You're not an animal Bekka, you're a beautiful young lady that deserves to be treated like a queen." I lifted her chin so that I could see her face. Her watery eyes stared up at me. I wish I could make her happy. If she only knew how much I love her. Not as a friend. The other way.

"Mason I-" I cut her off.

"I will speak to Henry about moving somewhere else. I can't see you like this Bekka, I hate seeing you upset." I opened my arms for her to hug me and she did. Her cuddles are truly amazing.

"Thanks Mason. I feel a bit better now." She started to pull away but I held her tightly. She giggled. I couldn't help but chuckle too.

Should I tell her how I feel? Will it ruin our friendship? Does she like me too? Ugh, I wish I could read minds.

"Mason?" She whispered.


"Wow your chest just vibrated!" She giggled.

"It's normal for a guy! Now what did you want to say?" I pushed her in front of me gently so that I could look at her.

"Well.. Emm... Mason I..." She stuttered.


"It's really stupid, you will just laugh." She looked at her feet and shook her head.

"Bekka tell me." I sighed and lifted her chin.

"You won't understand." She sighed.

"Bekka, I'll tell you something you don't know if you tell me what's on your mind." I smirked.

"Well... I-I.." She took a deep breath. "Irelylkyou." She said quickly.

"You what?" I asked.

"I really lkyou." She muttered.

"Bekka, I don't know what you mean?" I raised my eyebrow. She sighed.

"Mason, I really like you, okay?" She put her head down again. Oh my, she likes me! She really likes me! This is... Amazing!

I didn't hesitate to kiss her. I wasn't her first kiss because of that Henry but it was the best kiss I've ever had. Nothing else mattered except for her. Sparks flew and it was perfect.

A/N~ hey guys! They kissed! Eepppp! Finally! Wow that's a lot of exclamation marks! Anyways... Sorry I haven't updated in a while and sorry that this is such a short chapter :(

But anyway... PLEASE...








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Kik- littleblondie_xx

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