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Chapter 14- Darkness

Rebecca's POV;

I sighed and placed my book on my bedside table. I couldn't read it. All I could think about was the kiss Mason and I had shared.

I heard a knock at the door and shouted, "Come in!" Whilst I quickly fixed my hair incase it was Mason.

"Hey princess." Henry smirked.

"Ugh, what do you want Henry?" I moaned.

"A kiss would be nice?" He winked.

"No, not that..." I mumbled. Great Henry! I finally stopped thinking about the kiss and what do you bring up? A damn kiss!

"Do you not like my kissing skills?" He pouted.

I sighed and said, "Henry, I was reading you know?"

"Too bad 'cause I'm here now aren't I?" He smirked.

"Do you not get the hint? I want some alone time!" I grumbled.

"Well you need to pack your stuff, we're leaving." He started to walk towards me. I grabbed my book and held it in front of me. Yeah I know, who uses a book as a shield?

"Rebecca, come here." He smirked.

"W-why? I'm fine over here..." I stuttered.

"I want a kiss from my girlfriend." I burst out laughing! Me, his girlfriend? No, never. He did kidnap me and knock out Mason so i have my reasons. "Why are you laughing princess, give me a kiss."

"For starters Henry, I am NOT your girlfriend and secondly I DON'T want a kiss! Are we clear?" I raised my eyebrow.

"B-but I love you?" He muttered.

"Well I'm sorry but I don't love you." I sighed.

He strutted towards the door and slammed it shut. Wow, someone's in a mood!

*Later that day*

I picked up my packed bags with a sigh. I've cried, laughed, screamed and had my first kiss in this room. With Henry... Ugh. At least Mason and I kissed in here too. Damn it! Again with the thinking about the kiss.

"Rebecca, are you ready?" Mason said as he popped his head around my bedroom door.

"Yeah, I think so."

"What's wrong Bekka?"

"Nothing! I'm fine, don't worry about me!" I fake smiled.

"You're a bad liar Bekka." Mason walked over to me.

"It's just.. Ugh." I couldn't put words to my thoughts.

"About the kiss?"

"Yeah." I looked at the floor.

"It's all I've been thinking about." He said as he slowly got closer to me.

"Yeah, me and you both." I sighed.

He smirked as his face grew closer to mine. I felt his breath on my lips and was soo tempted to close the gap and kiss him. He closed his eyes and connected our lips. Once again, sparks flew and my heart raced. The butterflies in my stomach transformed in to elephants throwing a party!

We pulled away. Breathing heavily. Foreheads against one another. My cheeks grew pink. Mason chuckled.

"Come on, we need to leave." Mason said picking up my bags.

We walked downstairs. I felt so free. Although I was just going somewhere else to be locked up in my room. I felt like a dog that's just been let off of its leash!

I walked into the kitchen. Henry stared at me, then smiled evilly. He had one of his hands behind his back.

"What's going on?" I asked worried because of the look on Henry's face.

"Take a seat Rebecca."

I sat on one of the dining room chairs. Yes, the kitchen and dining room were together in just one room.

"Frank, Fred, hold her down." My eyes grew wide when Henry brought out a needle from behind his back. I HATE needles.

Mason saw the fear in my eyes and asked if he could do it. Henry simply shook his head and grinned. Why did I have to reject him? If I hadn't, maybe he wouldn't be grinning?

"This will only hurt for a second Rebecca." He smiled.

I closed my eyes tightly as the needle pierced through my arm. I opened my eyes because of the pain. But all I could see was darkness. Complete darkness...

A/N~ Hey guys! Update again woo! I'm not that impressed with this chapter but oh well. I hope you enjoyed it! Remember...







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Kik~ littleblondie_xx

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