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Chapter 19- Escape
Rebecca's POV .-.

A few weeks have passed.

Mason and I have been talking but he's not acting like himself. I don't know if it's because of the whole kidnapping thing, my powers or just him being a mans jiggly part!

"Hey Mason, look!" I lifted up three pillows from my bed using my telekinesis powers and smirked at him.

"Oh not this again!" He covered his face.

THUMP! All three pillows hit Mason. The first hit his stomach, second hit his chest and the third hit his face.

Mason stood up and smirked at me.

"Run!" He whispered in a low husky voice.

I squealed and ran around the room but Mason had cornered me.

"Whatcha gonna do now sweetcheeks?" He smirked.

Aha! Has he forgotten about my power to stop things from harming me? Mwahahaha! I put up my force field.

Mason's face became serious. He put his arms against the wall on either side of me. Is it just me or is he leaning in?!

He grew closer and closer. I took my force field down. Then he pounced and started tickling me!

"Ahhhhh! Hahahah! M-Mason s-stop I c-can't breathe!" I said between laughter.

He stopped and looked at me with that serious face again. He was getting closer. Just as our lips were about to touch... CLICK! The door unlocked.

"Dinner!" One of the guards said as he open the door. Mason jumped off of me and acted as if nothing had happened.

"Thanks." He took the food and the guard left. "Here Bekka."

I took the food and ate it. It was pasta with some tuna. Ew I hate tuna but food is food.

"So I've got a plan." I said.

"To get out of here?" Mason whispered.

"Yes. I can use my powers to overpower everyone here."

"And I'll find a phone and call the police."

"I'll drop to the floor and act as if I've passed out. You shout for someone to come help us. You can knock them out then we can try and run out of the building and find a phone so we can phone the police." I whispered.

"Sounds good." Mason said.


*The day of the escape*

Today is the day we escape. I just know it.

"Mason you ready?" I whispered.

He nodded. Let's do this!

I jumped onto the floor as hard as I possibly could to make a loud bang as if I was falling then lay down on the ground and closed my eyes. Mason started shouting.

I heard the click of the door unlocking and the heavy footsteps of a guard. I felt his heavy breath over my face as he looked at me. Then he fell on me as if he'd been knocked out.

I opened my eyes. Mason smirked at me and pushed the guy off of me. The door was open thankfully so we ran out and along a corridor. There was a window in sight so we ran towards it. Mason smashed it and helped me climb out. Then we ran as far away as we could from the warehouse.

We came across a little house only a fifteen minute run from the warehouse. We knocked on the door and waited. A scruffy looking old man opened the door.

"What are you doing out here? We're 10 miles from the nearest town!" He asked.

"We've been kidnapped, can we please borrow your phone?" Mason asked.

"Oh dear lord! Come in! Come in!" He said.

The house was quite nice considering the old man looked quite scruffy. He took us to his living room and brought us his phone.

"Thank you." I said and dialled 999 into the phone.

"999 what's your emergency?"

"Hi, my name's Rebecca Green, I was kidnapped and I don't know where I am. I'm with my friend Mason Holmes. He was kidnapped too. I have no idea how long we have been missing for!" I said.

"Okay we will get police and an ambulance there as soon as possible. I can see you're location on my computer. Are you somewhere safe?"

"We are in a house that is about fifteen minutes away from where we were being kept. I think we are safe."

"Okay the police and ambulance are on their way."

"Thank you."

About fifteen minutes later four police cars and an ambulance had arrived. Mason told the police cars where the warehouse was and they were off. The ambulance took us to the hospital to check if we were okay.

We weren't there for long and reunited with our parents. We went to my house to celebrate us being home. Our parent had a few drinks and relaxed after all the stressing they'd been through. Mason and I decided that he should stay over so we can eat loads of junk food and watch movies.

I told Mason I was tired and we decided to go to sleep. We were sharing my double bed. I couldn't sleep.

"Bekka? You awake? Bekka?" Mason whispered. I pretended I was sleeping because my mouth was to tired to reply.

"Okay erm... I couldn't say this to you if you're awake so I'll say it to you now. Rebecca, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've always loved you but now I just need to be near you. My heart beat races just by looking at you. When you went missing I had to find you because without you... I'm nothing. You've stolen my heart Rebecca green... I just hope I've stolen yours too."

Ooooh Mason dats cute ;)

Anyways sorry I haven't updated in like foreveeeeer but I've been drawing a lot and yeah now drawings my thing 💁 if you wanna check it out then follow me on Instagram @drawlivesketch 👌

Remember to VOTE and COMMENT! It means a lot 😋

~ littleblondie_x

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