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"There is good and there is evil and both will forever have to coexist together, this is the fate of the human race. To wander, to sin, to stumble and fall down by ourselves. Only by ourselves and for this there will always be silence. And when that does happen it will be painful, painful in so many ways you can't explain, the past will hurt and the future will be a dark path yet to walk. You can no longer move forward and can no longer move back. However, in the darkest of times, time itself, becomes unforgiving, pushing you to the light, even though you claw and hide in the dark. You will lift your arms blinded by the light and your skin will ache and shed, falling straight to the ground of haven. Here the water will be clear and the grass always green and when you look in the water you will no longer see yourself, but another self.

A new self

Not your past or your future

Neither good nor evil

Just you "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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