Chapter 2: Special

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(5 months later)

It was Sunday evening and people walked hurriedly up the stairs of the church. May sat down and watched them  cross rapidly over the  fresh green-trimmed lawn of the church.

“May! Ring the bells will you dear” Sister Julia said.
May immediatly stood up and climbed the circular metal staricase to the top of the tower, were the bells hung. Once on the tower she took a rope tied to the edge of the stairs, skillfully untied it and pulled it. The chiming of the bells echoed against the towers and a few birds that were sitting on a nearby tree flew scared. May smiled and made her way back to where the weekly celebration was taking place. Once there she quietly sneeked through the back door and sat down in one of the many wooden benches that were lined in the church. This was her home now, May smiled and quietly waited for the celebration to finish.

Sister Julia stood up to see if May was sitting down, yes, she was over in the back rows like always. May looked like any other 17 year old girl going to church, the only difference was that she didn´t have any parents. Julia still wondered who could have left such a small child in the darkness of that rainy night. However they where, had been problably very desesperate.

Since sister Julia had found  her in the doorstep of the church she had raised her as her own. She knew that May was special, she grew too quick, but she was still human. She was scared that one day people would come back and take May away from her if they discovered about her talents and strange habits. 

How was it possible that such a thin and small innocent girl held so much power? May was different in many ways, she was stronger, much stronger that other children and she could easily punch a hole in the door if she wanted. May was also very fast. Julia remembered when she had invited her to play tag with her, but she never caught May. In one second May stood in front of her, and the next she was on top of a tree branch laughing at her. She also had very good hearing, she could spy on any conversation in at least a kilometer away. May knew she was different and that she held power, but she had never used it for bad. May would never harm another creature, never. When Sister Julia was with her at home she was neither naughty or bad, instead she tried to help in any way possible to do the chores, she had taught her well. Sister Julia smiled when the celebration finished, whatever she did May was destined for greatness.

May walked with the rest of the people out of church. She sat on a bench that faced the church and she sad quietly waiting for sister Julia to come out so they could walk home. Meanwhile she stared at the children who walked with their parents happily. A girl pointed at her

         “Why does that girl always sit on that bench mum? Where are her parents?” May managed to hear because she had very sensible ears. She felt her cheeks flush with embaresement and she stared at the ground, she didn´t like being alone.

Julia soon appeared at the doorstep and waved at her, May waved back. Julia crossed the street and walked up to her.

        “Sister” May said.

         “Yes May”.

        “Why did my parent leave me? Didn´t they love me?” Sister Julia suddenly felt sad.

         “Don´t say that!” she scolded her, “If they left you it was because the loved you. Maybe it was too dangerous for you to stay with them, but they surely had their reasons”

        “You say it like you know them” May complained. Sister Julia looked at her.

         “I wish I knew them, they must've been wonderful people, because you are. ” May smiled happily and together they walked down the hillside and to their house.

May and Julia lived in a small wooden house next to a lake. They lived far from the city, but they still didn´t live in the countryside. May liked the house because it was very small and it had a huge backyard. A year ago when she was a small child she used to climb on the small roof in the night and stare at the stars, there she wondered who she was and who where her parents. Unfortuneatly a month ago she climbed up and made a hole on the roof. That hole was now patched with a plastic board. They had to fix it soon, or in winter rain would begin to seep in.

Once inside sister Julia made herself a hot cup of tea and sat down to see the sun set down on the shallow depths of the lake. May walked out in the backyard and looked back to see if Julia was asleep, she snored loudly, the cup of tea between her hands. May gently took it from her and set it down on the wooden floor, yes, she was definitly asleep.

She turned to face the lake and took a deep breath of fresh air in. It wasn´t the first time May did this. She began a small run and then she picked up speed, jumping on a nearby dust bin she impulsed herself upwards and onto the nearest rooftop.

Jumping rooftop to rooftop she made her way to the national park. She reached for a tree and began climbing upwards. The city of Rome shone in the distance.  When she was little she liked to watch water pour from the tall fountains of angels that were in the city. She had learnt to love her life, to appreciate it. The pope´s basilik shone between tall buildings.
There is no other place like home and her home was here in Rome. May still remebered Sister Julia´s words

        “Home isn't a set house, or a single town on a map. It is wherever the people who love you are, where you are together. Not a place, but a moment and then another, building on each other like bricks to create a solid shelter that you take with you for your entire life”

She knew that Julia was scared for her, that maybe one day they would take her away. May sighed, she had to get back or else sister Julia might get worried. Suddenly she felt a cold brush of feathers touch her cheek, a small bird. May wished she was a bird and that she could fly away wherever she wanted. She gently touched the bird and as if a bolt of lightning hit her, she felt her senses being taked away. Images flooded her mind, but they were not hers. Where they from the bird? She felt like she was flying and the cold wind move her hair. Was it her imagination? She took her hand of the bird and slowly looked back at it. What had she felt? She looked back at the bird confused and climbed down the tree. She jumped to the floor with a thud. She had just experienced the strangest thing, she had felt what the bird felt when it flew.

She had to do something before she went back home. Was it another gift of mother nature? She clicked her tongue in a certain way only she knew and a rabbit hopped towards her. May slowly extended her hand towards the small rabbit and touched it. Again sensations flooded her mind, she felt dirt against her feet and the taste of lettuce in her mouth. Suddenly she felt a broom spank her. May took her hand away from the rabbit breaking the string of carefully orchestrated sensations.

        “What have you been doing today Mr. Rabbit. Stealing lettuces from the farmers patch I see. ” The rabbit moved its whiskers and May giggled, “I take that as a yes. Oh! I do say I have to go, Julia will worry. See you next time Mr. Rabbit” May giggled again and made her way back home, she had to tell Julia about her talent to feel what others felt.

She smiled in the dark as she ran trough the rooftops of the houses once more. In a swift movement she jumped on the concrete floor and walked back towards the house. She closed the door quietly and looked inside the kitchen. Sister Julia still snored and May smiled.

         “Good night sister” She said dropping a gentle kiss on her forehead. She walked towards her bedroom and laid on her bed.

Tommorow I´m going to tell Julia about my discovery, I´d like to see what she thinks, May thought. She opened the window of her room and turned the light off so she could see the stars from her window.
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves. 
Slow and steady she fell into a deep sleep.

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