Chapter 4: Wanted

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“Who am I?” May asked quietly. “That is a question only you can answer. May, there is no other person that can know better who you are but you. For many people this question takes a lifetime to answer”.

May slept on the concrete streets of VeneziaShe had run over half of Italy in 3 hours and now she was tired, cold and hungry. May woke up stiff from the cold floor, she held on a metal pole nearby and slowly pulled herself up. Today was a new day, new possibilites. May had never felt so free before, but she also had never felt so alone and unprotected. She sighed remembering she had to keep on moving, someone wanted her and was chasing her. What did they want? Who was following her? Whoever wanted her wasn´t friendly or nice, they had killed Julia and May would punish them. How? She still didn´t know.

May walked around the rivers of Venezia, she sat on a wooden bench and looked at the canal. She remembered what Julia had said about the demons... Demons didn´t exist, right? She slowly extended her hand and took a can from the floor and crushed it easily before throwing it at a bin in the other side of the river. She wasn´t suppoused to exist. Nothing made sense now. She was stronger and faster. What was she? If she existed was it possible that demons existed too? Sister Julia had never lied, never, she spoke only truth. Were the demons true? Julia had said that the demons were strong, red eyed, fast with black capes and pale bodies.

May stood up and looked at her reflection in the river. She was older, her black cape hung freely, her green eyes shone brightly and her auburn hair played with the wind. She was fast, she was strong and maybe a little bit paler than other girls. Everything that Julia said matched her, except the red eyes. Was it possible that people like her were looking for her? Where had she come from? Who where her her parents? Too many questions and no answers. She had to find answers.

She stood up and walked around the streets looking for an internet cafe.

She soon spotted one, caffe d´latte, it was just opening. She opened the glass doors and stepped inside, it looked like a nice warm place. She walked towards the old woman that sat on a desk and asked kindly for her permission to use a computer. May quickly gave her some money and the woman pointed to a computer in the corner.

May sat down in the soft black chair and moved the mouse, allmost instantly the computer flickered on, revealing a blue screen with a few icons. May had never gotten used to technology. Back at home Julia and her had a computer, but they had never used it because they had never paid for the internet. Julia often said that she had lived another life in the 60´s. May smiled remembering the time they spent together. Memories warm you up from the inside, but they also tear you apart. The past. It was being here now that was important. May had gained wisdom from the past and now she had to use it.

She clicked on the internet icon and googled blood made demon. Many websites appeared. she clicked on the first one, it was of mythical creatures.


Two hours had passed and the woman in the desk had begun to look at her weirdly, constantly checking her from under the newspaper. May stood up abruptly, shutting down the screen and walking out, before someone asked what she was upto. Everything she knew about the world had changed. Knowing nothing was ignoring, but knowing something that few knew was even more dangerous. How could they hide from society for so long? Maybe after all some legends were true. Demons with red eyes, black capes, deadly pale, with superstrength and superspeed.

May knew who was following her, every website always pointed to the same name...


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