Chapter 7: Angel and Demons

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May ran throughout the rest of the night, she didn´t like running anymore. Why was she running away from something she could now fight? No, she would not run away now She would let them come and when they found her she would strke.

Two day's  past and May had allready killed two more vampires. Some had special powers and some didn´t, either way she had killed them. One had the power to summon water and the other had power to cast a fisical protective shield. May had learnt that with these she had to kill them faster, from behind, quickly and silently

May knew that she had born for doing this, the handles of the knives somehow felt like safety, confort and protection. May had been born a hunter, she had sharp senses and she was allways one step ahead of the enemy, developing a strategy for it´s next move.

May always attacked from above, so the demons wouldn´t sense her. She was always one step ahead. Never let the enemy know you expecting them. Make the enemy think your weak and then strike. When you strike always do it in the neck or arms, and when May striked she never missed. She couldn´t miss, she always had one small opportunity and she never wasted it. If she missed she would pay with her life.

She knew that a demon was searching for her, someone who would sooner or later find her. Let them find me she thought. She had a plan. She would attack him differently. She knew that he would follow her tracks and study her way of moving and killing. May laughed. She knew that he would find her, but when he came she would wait for him, like if they caught her unaware. She would make them thing she was weak.


Demetri, Alec and Jane ran towards their prey, the girl. The killings had to stop, or else the human´s would discover their existance. Demetri smiled in the dark, black eyes shining in the dark,, he would enjoy killing her if Aro gave him permission. He hadn´t even met her close and yet her scent made him hunger for her blood. He would have to control himself, Aro wanted her alive.


May ran through a dark alleyway tracking a vampire, she wouldn´t get away. It was a woman this time, searching for prey. Silently May launched herself landing over her. The woman looked at her surprised, red eyes wide open. This was enough of a distraction for her to bring the axe down towards her neck.. She took a match and threw it towards the body. She watched as the body slowly turned into black ashes. May took a deep breath and shuddered when a familiar smell hit her.

She knew the demon was coming, if she didn´t face him today, she would face him another day. She shuddenly felt afraid. No, May thought I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. She looked over her shoulder where the light of a street lamp had suddenly gone off, leaving her in deep darkness. She knew that the tracker was coming, coming for her.

May quickly made a plan. She took a small knife out and cut it across her arm, she watched as blood began to come, she walked down the dark street.  She gritted her teeth in pain and cut a piece of fabric of her cape and put it around the cut. May watched as her arm quickly healed under the cloth, leaving only a piece of red damp cloth. Blood made vampires attack without thinking, they couldn´t control themselves and he would probably attack thinking she was weak. She smiled and sat down on a small wooden bench moving her arm to prove she was okay again, she quickly took a knife from the back of her boot, yes, she was okay, she could move quickly. Now the only thing she could do was wait, and pray that her tracker fell for the trap.

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