Chapter 13: Delusions

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A door opened and May woke up lifting her head, gasping for breath. A cold  hand touched her shoulders and patted her rather roughly on the back. She brought her hands towards her neck, feeling as air finally came through. She squinted and her vision cleared. She was in the same place, the dark walls of the room enclosing around her, the velvet fabric under her feet and the desk in front of her

"Okay there" a voice asked from behind.
She turned and stumbled back when he saw him, he had bit her before. Her eyes widened in realization.
"¿Nightmares?" he said tipping his head and examining her frightened expression a smile tugged from his lips. Somehow he found her reaction amusing.
"Lucky I was there to save you" he mocked.
"You never helped me" she spat back.
"Actually I did, you were choking yourself" he frowned "with air?
May suddenly felt stupid, choking in air? was that even possible? Well I guess it was... but here? She inhaled deeply, clean air passing through her lungs. She guessed he was right.

"Why did you... save me?" she asked curiously, the conversation seemed somehow more relaxed.

"Demetri wouldn't forgive me if you died and he would kill me" he said.

Forgive him? Alec noticed her confused and smiled at her ignorance. She didn't know.
"Don't worry I won't kill you, I still want to live" he said slightly smiling at his play with words, he was dead anyways.

"My name is Alec" he stated his face turning serious again.

"Here" he said pushing the seat behind her forcing May to sit down, "If you want to live , you may aswell have to eat"

Mays stomach churned at the sight of the food, pieces of grapes and apples dangled from a bowl and meat was cut neatly next to a Caesar salad. Oh! How she just wanted to reach out and eat everything! She grabbed savagely the fork and dug into a piece of meat, the fork stopped at midair.
"You're going to poison me" it wasn't a question but a statement.

He looked at her expressionless
"You know that I can't eat it to prove you wrong. Right?"

May looked back at the food, it felt real and smelt real, she couldn't resist. She ate the piece of meat gulping it down, testing. Nothing happened. She dug in and soon everything on the plate had gone. The vampire watched her and chuckled.

"Such a keen eater, are you? You should try the juice, it's rather nice" he pointed out.

May looked at the cup, sure it smell wonderful even when she hadn't drank it. She reached for the cup and drank holding the straw between her fingers. It smelt good and it tasted nice. Wrong, it tasted delicious, exquisite, like a drug.

Wait a minute she thought back forwarding what he had just said. "You should try the juice, its rather nice" One thing she knew for sure: Vampires didn't eat, so... How had did he know it tasted nice?

"What is this? "She demanded

"I already told you" Alec shrugged and crossed his arms, everything suddenly stopped "It's Juice"

"You don't drink juice" she stated and quickly pulled the polyester lid off.

Red, she only saw red, she knew what it was, blood. Her hands tightened around it, breaking the cup, its contents spilling through the cracks. She watched as the warm liquid fell down through her fingers and palms, her, the girl that promised that would never drink blood, her, the girl that would never harm another creature, that had been raised by sister Julia and that had promised to avenge her. And here she was, a monster, a devil.

        A sob escaped her mouth, she felt sick, very sick. She ran to the bathroom closing the door with a bang behind her before putting her hands on the sink and taking out what she had just eaten.  Her throat burned and she was glad she no longer tasted blood. For a few seconds she stood there watching her own reflection by the mirror.  Anger coursed through her veins. How could she! She clenched her fist and it collided with the image of her, breaking the mirror with a loud crash of shattering glass. Her knuckles bled red and she closed her eyes briefly before opening them again. Little pieces had fallen on the sink making her image crack distorted in every piece of glass. She was a monster. Her feet collapsed from underneath her and she curled in a small ball against the tiled floor, glass sticking to her cheek. She screamed not caring who listened, her breath came out ragged, shaky and wet, full of tears. She was alone.

        May was afraid, afraid of her own reality, her feelings most of all... her feelings were disturbing. She had always taught that pain was evil and dangerous. That it woke her up. She thought she had to hide that pain. But she was wrong, pain was something she carried everywhere, a feeling, and feelings were a part of her. Part of her own reality, a reality that she was now ashamed of.

She closed her eyes remembering the dream that she had had earlier. The boy. He had killed the demon. He somehow remembered her of an angel, sent to protect humankind, a guardian of good, if only it were true.... If only angels existed. She remembered the first time she had seen Demetri, he looked like an angel, but he wasn't.

Good didn't exist, only evil...

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment please. 

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