Smelling the Fresh Air

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Wind is a beautiful thing carrying fresh air all over the place but can cause destruction...

"Tiwin! focus, now solve the rest of these five problems and THEN u may take a brake" my father said snapping me out of my day dream. You see i may be 6 years old but i dont get to play outside like the other kids, my parents want me to have a successful life and career. I nodded at my father following his orders, within 5 minutes i was done and had them all correct. I gave my paper full of math problems to my father looking at his expressions to see if i got any wrong. Deep inside i was hoping he wouldnt say its wrong, i crossed my fingers behind my back hoping he could say those magical words that make me feel so alive and free. I bite my lip waiting for him to say it, there was silence i had a dreadful feeling i wasnt going to have my brake. I heard some shuffling, i looked up a bit making eye contact with my father i jumped a bit i didnt expect him to be staring at me. He looked at me for a long time which seemed like year went by he sighed. My heart began to quicken "alright u may go out-"  i got up and ran upstairs cutting him off. As i reached my room i heard him call out " u better not be drawing your stupid art again"  i closed my door and ran to my little deck where my drawing pad and pencil were. I sat down in my little corner opened up my pad and looked around, trying to see what i should draw. I keep looking until i see a nest on a tree near me it had baby birds in them. I smiled and began drawing it in deep detail, out of the corner of my eye i saw a bird move. I looked up seeing the baby birdy was trying to fly, i smiled to my self such a beautiful thing. But then i noticed the bird was about to fall out of the nest, i saw it slipping on the nest close to the edge. I got up fast reaching over trying to grab it. As i reached for the bird, he fell hurdling towards the ground. I tried grabing for it one last time, but my arms were to short. Thats when a tiny wind tornado caught the baby bird. It was coming up towards me i snatched my hand away, when i did the tornado disappeared. I quickly out stretched my hand and it formed once more catching the bird once more. I started moving my hand side to side, the tornado followed. I pointed my finger to the nest. The tornado brought the bird to the nest, i snatched my hand back, it disappeared once more plopping the bird inside the nest. My mouth dropped "did i just do that!"  i ask myself looking at my hand. I raised my hand slowly as i did a breeze came by, i concentrated a bit more. The wind became stronger. I lifted my other hand making the wind even stronger than before i moved my hands all over the place. Moving the tree branches, the flowers, everything. I turned around and the air went rushing inside my room i panicked as it knocked over my books and pencil, flying papers everywhere, creating a loud ruckus. "OH NO NOT GOOD" i shouted i droped my hands running into my room trying to pick up everything. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs getting closer "son are you okay in there" i heard my fathers voice. I rushed around picking everything up that i missed, my door opened to my father standing in the my door way. "What happened in here tiwin" he asked crossing his arms. "Nothing father just a strong winds came in and i forgot to close my door thats all" i said still holding all the stuff. He looked at me strangely then spoke "okay well your time is up time to get back to studing, put all of ur things away and come down stairs" i nodded watching him leave, i quickly put all my belongings back closing the back door i looked around the room. I did, i did that to my room just now i thought to myself still surprised on what just happened a few moments  ago. I gave my room one last check and closed my door. What just happened  i thought to myself going down the stairs. "Come on tiwin we dont have all day hurry up" my father said from the living room snapping me out of my thoughts "yes coming father" i ran down the stairs rushing to join my father...........

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