A Blast of the Chills

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Lets jump to Australia where ice is hiding shall we?

"Kira dont be out to late, it will be getting dark soon honey" i heard my mom shout from the back porch. I turm around "okay mommy i promise, just give me a few more minutes" i said playing once more with my pony toys. I was sitting in the grass playing with my ponies when i heard something. I turn around quickly looling around "hello? Mommy? Daddy? Is that you?" I asked out loud i couldhave sworn i heard something i thought to myself. I shrugged my shoulders going back to my game, i had nothing to worry about honestly it was a nice neighborhood so nothing to nothing scared of. I kept on playing my game, but then i heard some rustling, a twig snapping, i looked around again getting a bit scared now. Something was definitely out there in the bushes. "Hello anyone out there" i asked standing up looking in the direction where the noice cane from. More rustling sounds where made, i held my breath as i kept on looking waiting to see what would pop out. Minutes went still looking at the bushes, thats when the rustling came closer. I was backing up slowly, it was coming closer towards me. I whimpered "whos there show yourself" i said trying to act brave. Seconds later a cat came out, i sighed placing a hand over my beating heart. "Oh its just a cat" i said in relief, i went back to my ponies playing game. I was about to say something when i felt something grab me. I tried screaming but it placed its hand over my mouth keeping me from screaming. It spoke in my heard "shhh stay quiet girl u dont wanna scare anyone now do ya" the guy said in a musky tone. I struggled trying to get out of his grasp, wiggling but nothing was working.... so i did the next best thing. I bit hard on the guys hand and stomped on his foot, he left go "OW U STUPID CHILD" he shouted out in pain. Thats when i took off into the woods screaming "HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME" running as fast as my little legs could go. I heard crunching behind me it was gaining fast, i ran into a thorn bush cutting my self and my dress. I my mom scream "KIRA WHERE ARE U" i didnt stop i kept running i screamed letting my mom know where i was. He was gaining on me and fast, by then i was already panting hard. I felt a hand grip my arm yanking me back, i screamed "let me go!!!" I shouted fighting back as best i could but he was too strong. "Shut up" he said roughly trying to pin me down. I heard more rustling by a near by brush, i fought back i watched as my dog kody jump out of the brushes biting the man pulling him off me. They rolled around, kody biting him in every place he could bit and sink his teeth in. The man finally pulled kody off him throwing him to the side. I got up fast, as i looked over i saw the man kicking kody hard repeatedly. " HAY STOP DONT HURT MY DOG" i screamed getting his attention. He turned to looked at me slowly, i looked around him seeing kody lying there motionless. I looked back at the man, he had a nasty grin on his face "your stupid mutt cant save u girl" he said walking over to me. I was furious, scared but furious, i clenched my fists tight. "DO NOT CALL HIM A MUTT" i shouted clenching my jaw, i was not running i was staying put. He reached over trying to grab me but i duck running to the opposite end. " cant catch me" i said teasing him. He glared at me. This went on for a few minutes he was getting tired i could tell but so was i. "Thats it i have had enough " he walked over to kody, while reaching into his pocket pulling put a blade. I gasped " STOP DONT HURT HIM" i screamed he looked at me. "What are u gonna do scream go ahead" and with that he drew back the blade, aiming for kody. "I SAID STOP" i screamed raising my hand. In a split second a bright light shot from my hand blinding me the force pushing me back on the ground. I open my eyes slowly sitting up rubbing them i look around thats when i saw it the man about to stabb my beloved dog, there he stood encased in ice the knife so close just touching kody's fur. I ran over to kody kneeling beside him. "Kody, wake up kody come on" i said shaking my dog in efforts to wake him. I heard voices "KIRA WHERE ARE U" coming from deep in the woods, i shouted back "IM OVER HERE" i said, i looked back at kody trying to wake him "please kody wake up" i said through teary eyes. I tried a few more times, but giving up i laid my head on his stomach letting a tear slip soaking into his fur. "Please kody wake up" i said giving him a hug, i laid there waiting for the people to find me. Suddenly i felt his chest move, i look up seeing kody beginning to sturr moving ever so slightly. I gasped "kody your okay, ur okay its okay" i said crying petting him letting him know its okay. I heard footsteps coming towards us i stood up infront of kody in protection. I waited as the footsteps came closer thats when i heard a familiar voice "kira where are u" it was my father i jumped, my heart sighing in relief. "Daddy im over here, kodys hurt" i said going back to kody continuing to pet him. My dad, mom, and police officers ran out of the brushes. My parents spotted me on the floor next to kody, they ran over to me kneeling down pulling me into a hug. "Kira we were so worried about u" my mom said through her tears kissing my head. "What happened kira" my father asked, i looked at them both " this man grabed me while i was playing but i bit him taking off into the woods i tried running but he caught me then kody came and rescued me but the man beat kody up throwing him, he was gonna stabb kody i screamed and all of a sudden he was like that" i said pointing to him still encased within the ice, the police officers puzzled wondering howit happened. We were all snapped back when kody whimpered, my dad looked at him smiling "thank u buddy" he said kissing his head then turned back to my mom and i "lets go home" my mother nodded picking me up while my dad picked up kody. The police officers where carrying the man back as well. We got out of the forest the police heading to an ambulance putting the frozen man on a gurney. My parents sat kody and i on the couch, heading back outside to talk to the officers. I took the chance and looked at kody "u saw what i saw right?" I asked him, he just starred back at me. I smiled "i did too " i said looking at my hands wondering how i did it. My thoughts were cut off by the back door opening then closing. I see my parents walk in " everything is okay kira the man will be in jail, and as for kody he will be seeing a vet tomorrow but by the looks of it he is looking a bit better" my dad said pouring a glass of water, giving it too me. "Drink some water and rest ur are probably tired okay baby" my mommy said kissing my head and petting kody. "Okay mommy" i said i was grabed the glass about to drink some water but.... nothing came out. I was confused peering inside the cup. I couldn't believe my eyes the water inside the cup was frozen. I looked up " mommy no water is coming out " i said giving her the cup, she peered inside the cup gasping "john the water is frozen" she said getting up giving it back to my dad letting him get a look. "Odd i could have sworn there was water in there moments ago" he said grabing another cup of water handing it back to me. This time i grabed it with the blankets over my hand i placed it on my lap drinking from a straw. "Come on kira time for bed" my mommy said "can i sleep on the couch with kody tonight" i asked sweetly looking at both my parents with puppy dog eyes. They looked at each other then back at me "okay fine" my mom said. I laughed "YAY" i shouted happily, i grabbed my blankets pulling it over me getting conformable with kody. My parents kissed me goodnight and head to bed leaving me with kody. I waited until their bedroom door close before sitting up looking around. I get up from the couch getting a fork with a blanket still over my hand. I grab the fork, heading back to the couch. I sit down looking at it, " if what i saw was correct then this should work" i said grabing the fork with my bare hand. With in seconds the fork was iced over. My jaw dropped "kody u saw it right" i asked in shock........... this cant be happening, but it is happening because it just happened. And with that all night i was experimenting with my new powers......... this is only the beginning


Okay so i wanna say thank u for those who have been reading my story its still new only the beginning but i a sure u it will be amazing. Just to get this clear Wind is in Asia, Water in Arizona, Ice in Australia, Fire in Africa, and Earth in Canada. But please keep on reading and i hope u enjoy ty

Adios my lovely's ✌

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