This is messed up

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A/N so I wanna say thank you for readimg this it means a lot and hope you like this chapter. Also sorry for any confusion about the story I'm just trying to get it to a certain point so it can really begin... but enjoy this chapter oh and the picture above is kody  -sol💕


*Years later*

Kira's P.o.v.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" I said to hayden, he chuckled placing his hand on my back "god I love you Kira" he says still laughing. I am currently at a place stealing a car with one of my delinquent friend's hayden, you know the usually. I roll my eyes just as I heard the car door unlock, I opened the car and got in "give me a second imma hot-wire the car" I say to hayden I bend down doing what I do best... steal cars. After a couple of minutes I got the car working. I sit up placing a key in the eginition "ready" I ask Hayden. "Yup, now lets get going mate" he responds hitting the car excitedly. I laugh driving off.

I sped onto the highway blasting the music to some rock band that was in Hayden's playlist. You see I have changed a lot since the day I was almost kidnapped and was that same day I found out I had powers. At school I was bullied about how scared I was when the guy tried kidnapping me and that whenever someone touches me they say im freezing. They always asked why am I so cold but the thing is I don't feel how cold i am, really the cold never bothered. They bullied me saying no one ever wants to be near me, also one of the bullies caught me using my power, I begged him not to tell anyone so he said he wouldn't tell unless I do as he says. But I soon got sick of it so I changed myself. Now I get kicked out of class everyday, I vandalize things, I get into fights, I get suspended, not to mention but I have gotten arrest 1 or 2 hundred times. I guess I'm as cold as i am inside. I was still thinking about how much i changed over the years when sirens went off. "Kira push on it" Hayden said telling me to go faster, so I did, I pressed on the gas pedal speeding away.

It was a car chase, I have to admit this is pretty fun. "PULL OVER NOW" I heard from the police car behind me. I stuck my hand out the window flipping him off screaming "NOT GONNA HAPPEN OFFICER, YOU GOTTA CATCH ME FIRST" I shouted smiling. I look back at the road when I see another police car parked right infront of me.

I slam on the breaks almost loosing control of the car. I breath heavy we were so close to hitting that car, I  look over at Hayden he looks back "you could have just charged right at him Kira" he seemed pissed off "well I'm sorry I didnt feel like killing a life today" I say getting mad. "Step out of the vehicle hands above your head" I heard the officer say. I roll my eyes stepping out of the car placing my hands above my head, Hayden doing the same. "Well well well, Miss. Elizabeth I had a feeling it was you and your little buddy" officer Wear said. I laugh "ahh my good ol' buddy Wear" I say back smiling I know him from being brought into the station a lot, thats because he was the one bring me into the station every single time.

"Kira you were such a good kid what happened to you mate" he said turning me around cuffing my hands "I'd have to ask you the same thing, you were such a chill guy now your this..." I replied adding sass. "I hope you know that this is a stolen vehicle, and you were speeding, meaning back to the station you go " he said opening the back door to the police car. I get in seeing Hayden already in the car, he glared at me. "This is your fault hun" he said spitting at my feet I roll my eyes trying to control the urge to freeze his face. "HAY keep down in there kids" Wear said looking at us both through the rear view mirror.


I sat there waiting for my mom to come pick me up and pay for what i did. The door to the station opened there stood my mom with Kody (A/N yes I know Kody must be very old but just let him be alive thats the only thing she cares about) I sit up before Kody came rushing towards me licking me all over, after petting him I look up to see a very angry mom. "Are you kidding me Kira Elizabeth again, what has gotten into you. You were such a sweet little girl now you're all...... this" she says irritated "look mum just forget about its okay, can we get out of here?" I say rolling my eyes playing with Kody again.

She takes a deep breath before going to the front desk signing the paper work. "She is so dramatic isn't she?" I say to Kody scratching his chin. He looks back at me with his almost black eyes I roll my eyes "oh stop it Kody I'm not the one to blame here, she needs to learn to loosen up and let me live my life" I say looking over to my mom. She seemed stressed, tried. She is young but her looks says other wise. "Lets go" she comes back over to me, I get up grabbing Kody's leash before walking out of the station.


I get out of the car opening the door for Kody to let him jump out. I walk up to the front door opening to see.... luggage?. "Um mum whats all of this?" I ask pointing at the stuff blocking my way in. "It's your stuff" she replies pushing past me placing her purse down on the couch. "What?" I ask confused of whats going on "summer school, your failing honey... so we as in your father and I enrolled you in the University of Colorado you will be gone this whole summer, meaning no Hayden or your group of friends and no trouble just studying" she says looking at me crossing her arms. I snorted "you can't make me go" I say getting sassy "I'm not asking you kira, I'm telling you are going end of discussion if you try anything stupid I'll make sure you wont step out of this house ever again" my mom said to me  making me tense up a bit "you always have to ruin my life" I say going up the stairs Kody following short on my heels. "Your leaving tomorrow morning so be up my 4 am" she calls out just before I could close my door "ugh" I sigh closing my door plopping down on my bed. Kody jumps up laying his head on my lap. I stroke his face "your coming with me sir, I'm not suffering alone" I tell him laughing. My mom and dad can make me go anywhere but I'm not going anywhere without Kody and that is a fact. I am definitely not looking forward to this, my summer is gonna be complete hell an I know it.

I grab my laptop putting on a movie. With Kody's warmth and the cozy blanket I started to drift off. With in seconds I was out like a light. Knowing I have to wake up early tomorrow to catch my flight.


Hey I'm sorry but if you noticed I didn't put the what the people were saying in the cursive writing its cuz well I'm to lazy so I'm going to leave it like this from now on... but anyways hope you like it thank you so much for the 175 reads love you all - sol💕

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