Under the Waves

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Water is all over. Just its self can be hypnotizing drawing you in. To play. It can be our friend, someone has learned that today.

Steping out into the bright light smiling like crazy, i jump up and down running back inside into my parents room. "MOM, DAD COME ON LETS GO LETS GO" i screamed excitedly, climbing on the big bed jumping up and down. My father groans "Todd its to early to go swimming, rest for a bit please" my father said rolling over. I pout sitting on the bed crossing my arms. "Honey he is just excited let him have fun" my mom said sitting up looking at me "okay baby you can go out but stay away from the water okay, explore our cabin but dont wonder to far away you hear me young man" she looked serious. "Yes mommy i promise" i smiled sliding off the bed running outside, you see we are on vacation so every year my family and i always go up to our cabin near the lake. I love the lake i cant swim yet but just being near water is peaceful giving off a calming sensation. I walked down the paths looking at the flowers and wild life, noticing the morning dew on the leafs of every plant. I stop when i see an old tree, i named it Will. I loved that tree i would give it water whenever we were here. I smile patting the trunk of the tree looking for a little puddle of water somewhere. I spot one not to far away, i grab a big leaf and head over to the puddle. I crouch down dipping the leaf into the water, as im filling the leaf with water my finger tips touch the water surface. Right then i felt strange, different as if something in me shifted. I shrug it off standing back up with the leaf full of water walking carefully to will trying not to spill the water. I reached will pouring the water on its roots smiling "good morning Will" i said putting the leaf down. I say goodbye to Will promising him that i'll visit him later. My mind starts to wonder when i come to a fork in the road. I look up confused "this path wasnt here before" i said out loud curious what this new path leads to. I was questioning if i should take it, i just..... i fell like something is drawing me to this path wanting me to take it. Wanting me to go down this path, like there is something i need to see down there. I tap my chin thinking about what i should do, i didnt realize until i stumbled on a rock that i had already started walking taking the new path. I shrugged it off skipping down the path, for some reason every turn i took its like i knew where i was heading. I keep walking turning left and right following my instincts. I came to an abrupt stop right at the edge of a lake. The water was crystal clear, looking pure and clean. I was staring at the water lost in ny own world drawn to it. I didnt notice i was in the water until i felt cold water slipping in my shoes, feeling my pants getting wet. I didnt pay much attention to it though i was still drawn some what hypnotized, wanting to reach the center of the lake. It wasnt until then that it snapped me out of my trance rememberingi couldnt swim. With in seconds i was sinking under the water. I screamed "HELP" hoping someone cpuld hear me, i was struggling to keep my head above the water. But i couldnt do much i was eventually under water. I was holding my breath knowing i couldn't hold it for long, i opened my eyes still sinking, looking around. I was still struggling for air to reach the surface, my vision was beginning to blurr but i had to keep fighting it. Please let me live please please i kept saying in my mind getting weeker with every struggle. I felt something move brushing against my leg, i looked around. I stopped struggling and just let myself sink, thats when i felt something. I felt a force grabe me pushing me up to the surface. Suddenly i was able to breath air, i looked around i was at the surface breathing air i took deep gulps of it filling my lungs. I leaned back but to only feel something wet, i looked down and couldn't believe what i was seeing with my own eyes. Water, a flat little platform of water holding me up above the surface. I screamed making the platform disappear, i was starting to drown again i panicked. I started thinking of the water platform from before, drawing it in my mind how it would grab me once more. As i was thinking something DID grab me lifting me back up. Once again i was breathing fresh air. I looked down and there i was again sitting on a water platform. I was confused, so i tested it again. I held up my hand, closing my eyes thinking of a ball of water form out of the lake and float in midair. I slowly opened my eyes and right there in the middle of the lake was a ball of water just floating. "AWESOME" i lifted both of my hands experimenting with it, i was forming the water into shapes and animals. I couldn't believe my eyes, i was manipulating the water to my will. I dropped my hands, looking at the platform i was still on, i swooped my hand up sending the platform and i towards the edge of the water. Once my i touch solid earth i kissed it, i turned around and the water platform was gone. I rubbed my eyes and ran out of this place. I raced around the bends and turns racing back home. When i reached our cabin i go inside to see my mom and dad at the table eating breakfast. "Todd what happened to you, your soaking wet" my mother said putting down her fork grabing a towel wrapping it around me, "nothing mom just slipped into a puddle" i said getting out of her grasp. "Mhm sure, that must have been a big and deep puddle son" my father said laughing. My mom looks at him glaring then looks back at me "i told you to be safe, now go wash up and have breakfast" she said pushing me lightly towards the bathroom. I nodd and head to the bathroom. After i was done changing i sat at the table, resting, my head on my arm as a cup of water was placed infront of me. I sit up a bit looking around making sure my parents were not lookimg before i lifted my hand secretly under the table i look back at my glass of water focusing. I watched as a little ball of water came from the cup, i sent the ball of water into my mouth. I smiled at my accomplishment, "todd this is just the beginning to something amazing" i said to myself in a quiet voice smiling big

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