Chapter 2

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I woke up groaning, in an unfamiliar feeling bed, my head pounding violently. Bright light shining from a window to my left, blinded me. Shielding my eyes, I sat up slowly, but even the slightest movement of my body startled my stomach and I clasped a hand over my mouth, as I felt the bile rise in my throat.

Jumping up, I had no idea where the hell I was, or even what happened yesterday, after joining my sister and her friends. As I was running to the bathroom, I was glad, that most apartments had the same layout, otherwise I would most likely not made it to the toilet, where I spilled out the contents of my stomach.

Not that it was much.

The only things I ate yesterday, were the eggs, the twins force fed me and a burger at noon. That fact didn't make what happened now less disgusting.

Holding my hair up, I spit into the toilet, to get the horrible taste out of my mouth, just as I heard someone approach me.

"I see, you're up." A deep, unfamiliar voice sounded from behind me and as I turned my head a little, I saw the guy from the bar, dressed completely in black, like most dauntless were, raising his eyebrows at me. "I guess there's no need to ask, if you want breakfast." Glaring at him, I didn't miss the amusement in his voice.


"There's a spare toothbrush in the cabinet. After you're done, come into the kitchen. I'll have coffee ready." Tapping the door frame twice, he disappeared after taking one last glance at my pitiful form, crouching in front of the toilet.

Getting up from the tiled floor, that slowly started to hurt kneeling on, I made my way over to the cabinet. Searching through it, I found it was pretty minimalistic equipped with only a bottle of shampoo, deodorant, some toothpaste, shaving crème and mouthwash. Grabbing the still sealed toothbrush from the corner, I pressed some toothpaste on it and carefully started to brush my teeth, to not trigger my gag reflex a second time this morning.

Looking into the mirror, I saw that my reflection resembled more of a zombie, than a girl and I splashed my face with cold water, before trying to tame my unruly hair.

Grateful for the hair tie on my wrist, I just pulled my long, wavy hair into a ponytail.

Knowing my appearance wouldn't get any better than this, before I took a shower and scrubbed all the filth off me, I made my way to the kitchen, to not overstay my welcome.

The guy, I actually had never seen before yesterday evening, leaned against the kitchen counter, taking sips out of his cup, never looking away from my approaching form. His inquisitive stare managed to do something to me, not many were able to.

It made me nervous.

Fidgeting with my hands, I looked back at him expectantly, not knowing why he wore that strange expression again. Realizing, what I was doing there, I crossed my hands over my chest, replacing the expectant one with a stony expression, while scrutinizing him, just as he did with me, before taking a seat at his kitchen island.

Noticing my change in behavior, he furrowed his brow, but didn't comment, as he turned around and busied himself on the coffee machine.

"You want one?" He asked, after pressing the button. I nodded, still watching him suspiciously.

Caffeine sounded like heaven right now, but I didn't understand, why he felt the need to make me breakfast. Normally after a one-night stand, the guy couldn't wait for me to get out of his flat, just like me.

I was actually looking forward to live alone, after initiation, since then, I could be the one throwing guys out and not have to wander through half of the compound, just to get home.

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