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The next morning, I have terrible looking bags under my eyes because I cried yesterday.I'm just going to focuse on personal qualities.

"Hurry up Sky!" AJ says already standing in the doorway.

"Yes, you impatient kid!" I yell, grab my backpack and run to the door "Bye, Mike!"

"Bye kids!" I barely hear Mike yell after us.He is probably the best foster dad, I could imagine.


I'm walking through the corridors in search of Marianna.It's lunch period and since the ten minutes I'm searching, I've already seen Jude twice.Suddenly my phone vibrates in the back pocket of my ripped jeans.

Jesus                                                                  Sky/Me
Wanna go out tonight?
                                                                           Sure,where @?
You know 'Street food club'?
                                                                           No,but loved to check it out.Pick me up?
6pm.Don't be late;)
                                                                           I'll tryxD

I put my phone back and adjust my backpack.When I turn around to go and look at the beach for Marianna, I get a peek in the room next to me and spot a piano.I look around if somebody is watching me, but no student seems to stay inside due to this lovely weather.Also this school is at a damn beach.I still can't get over that.
I sneek into the room and close the door behind me.The piano is quite amazing for a school piano.I put my backpack next to me and sit down on the black piano bench.

And you got me, let go
What you want from me?
And I tried to buy you pretty heart, but the price to high
Baby you got me like oh
You love when I fall apart
So you can put me together
And throw me against the wall

Baby you got me like ah, woo, ah
Don't you stop loving me
Don't quite loving me
Just stop loving it babe


I stop immediately as I hear the door shut behind me.Brandon is standing in the room with an amazed expression.

"That's was awesome!Which song was it?" He exclaims and comes to stand besides me.

"Ah, that was 'Love on the brain' by Rihanna." I tell him confused and shocked as to why he would be interested in that.

"I'm playing piano too and I'm looking for a singer to work with me for forever!How about we just try?" Brandon asks but already sits down on the piano bench and doesn't really wait for my answer.I move over so he has more space and pull out the piano sheets.I have to admit, he's an incredible good pianist but I don't like to sing to people.It's Brandon though so I give it a try.
Lunch period was over pretty quickly and I forgot about Marianna.Me and Brandon exchanged numbers because for a fact; he loves to make music with me.He told me like five times.


"Wow, this place is awesome!" I say in awe.

"Yeah, it's one of my favourite places." Jesus tells me and sits down across from me.

We are in this diner called 'Street food club' and everything looks so cool.The walls are painted with colorfull grafiti.The chairs are all unique with dots or flowers and the tables are hanging from the ceiling.Jesus and I order our food which is pretty special too and talk and laugh together.I didn't inject insulin tonight.I've done a few years without it before, so one evening won't hurt.
We finish our food and Jesus again pays for me.Sweet gentleman.In front of the diner, we stop and look at each other.

"Soooo...." I smile at him.

"Soooo...." He smiles back.

"You wanna go to my place?AJ is at his friend's and Mike has late shift." I tell him with a mischievous grin on my face.

"Since you invited me, I won't say no." Jesus says and takes my hand.So hand in hand we walk to my home.It's weird to call it that, but that's what it is.


"Nice place." Jesus comments as we enter my and AJ's room.

"It would be pink if AJ wasn't living here too." I joke looking at the gray walls.He laughs and puts our jackets on a chair.I sit down on my bed to get a bit more comfortable and he sits down next to me.

"This is our second date." Jesus states "You know what that means, right?"

"No, what?" I lie while my eyes flicker to his lips and back to his eyes.

Instead of replying, he smashes is lips on mine.They feel perfect together and I instantly kiss back.He licks my lips to ask for entrance.Our tongues  start to fight for dominance as I sit on his lap.The kiss deepens more and more and somewhere in between, I took off Jesus blue shirt and threw it on the floor.But now, he starts to slowly lift my shirt.Although I'd loved to just let him keep doing because I'm damn turned on, I push is hand down and sit besides him.Jesus looks confused at me.
"What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you something before this happens." I explain to him.Out of nervousity, I knead my hands in my lap.

"Are you a virgin?" He asks with a weird expression.

"Of course not!" I exclaim "Wait, are you?!"

"No, but then what do you have to tell me?" Jesus answers.I think that he thinks I'm going to burst a bomb.A creepy or totally crazy one.I was never good at reading expressions.

"It's....ahem..I" I start.

"Just spill it!"

"I have diabetes.Since I'm seven years old.I didn't care about it for a few years but Mike and AJ made me see a doctor and now I have to ram a needle in my stomach everytime I want to eat.But I'm telling you this right now because I've got scars on my stomach from the time I cut myself.I just didn't wanna be sick.I didn't wanna be an outsider." I says thinking about all those bad memories.A single tear escapes my eye.

"It's just what makes you human.Nobody is perfect, don't forget that." Jesus quotes and puts his arm around me.This makes me laugh and brings me back to the amazing moment I'm having right now.He really cares about me and even listens to me closely.

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