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I didn't know for how long I would stay near AJ.Luckily his foster father Mike lets me stay in their apartment for a while.The couch is quite comfortable.

After AJ told the people who I now know are the foster family of his girlfriend Callie, he said that we would go to his place.And we were off.

I explain to him why I needed him.To see my biological father is a big deal for me since I lost my mother.I never even wanted to meet him before she died.But if I know that AJ is with me and I can talk with him about everything, I'll be able to do it.


"Hey Sky,wake up!" Someone tries to get me up.It's AJ.

"NO!" I whine.

"Alright,you had your chance" He says and I can hear him walk away.Ohh no.I know exactly what's going to come now.He always did that when we were younger and I still wouldn't get up after he screamed in my ear.

A few minutes later (I was starting to hope he wouldn't do it) I hear him come back and seconds after I have a morning shower.Involuntarily.

I scream and jump up from the couch which was soaked with water too.

"Damn it!AJ!" I yell at him.He just laughs at my reaction until Mike enters the living room.

"Oh,Mike.I'm so sorry.I didn't-" I start but AJ interrupts me.

"No,it was completely my fault.She didn't do anything." he says.

"It's ok guys just make sure that the coach gets dry again." Mike tells us.

"Sure!" I say with a smile.He could have just kicked me out.

"Alright,since is wednesday.Are you ready for a great day with me at my school?" AJ asks me.

"As you may have seen, I'm completely wet" I state "But after I showered and had a great breakfast, I'm ready."

Although I'm not a straight A student, I never had a problem with going to school.It's just a normal thing and you should actually be grateful for it.

"Great, hurry!" He says and walks to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Mike turns around to go out of the living room too when I stop him.

"Thanks a lot Mike for letting me stay.Really, I appreciate that much.Not everybody is as welcoming as you." I thank him honestly.

"Sure, no problem." He replies and walks away.


AJ and I are walking to his school after I showered and we had a great breakfast.It's kind of crazy that his school is right next to a beach but ok..

On our way I tell him something about the place where I live.

"And you like it there?" He asks in between my explanation.

"Yeah sure, I mean, I have a place to live and the people their are really nice" I say.

"Honestly?You remember how we used to say that 'nice' is the little sister of shit." He questions me.

"Yeah I remember" I laugh "And you're right.It's like the most shitty place I've ever been!And all these stupid,depressed and snotnosed teenagers!Lord kill me!" I babbel loud.

"Ok, chill Sky!We are there." AJ stops me "let's meet my girlfriend and her foster brothers and sisters."

"Great.." I mumble because I was never good at making new friends or at being the new one.

"What was that?I didn't quite catch ya?" AJ, who knows exactly how uncomfortable I am with being new, jokes around.

"Jerk." I say loud enough so he still catches it and then I walk in the school.

"Love you too!" AJ yells and jogs after me.

The first person who I have the pleasure to meet is Aj's girlfriend Callie Foster.

"Hey I'm Callie." She says with a smile and extends her hand for me to shake.

I take it and reply with a smile "Nice to meet you.I'm Sky."

From there it goes to normal small talk and school talk.She really is nice and great girlfriend-material for AJ.

Callie has maths in first period and since I like maths more than biology which AJ has in first period, I go with Callie.

Class went by quickly and now I have to find AJ again because Callie has PE and I don't have any sports wear.

This school has way too many hallways with corners and doors.I look around all the time to not overlook AJ with all these students.

Suddenly I bump into someone and land on my ass.Damn..does the boy I just bumped in look good!

Wait, I've seen him before.He's one of Callie's foster brothers.

"I'm so sorry.I didn't see you and-" He apologizes with a deep husky voice that makes my heart melt a bit.

"No, I'm sorry" I tell him while standing up again "I'm kind of new here and I was looking for someone but wasn't looking where I was going so I have to apologize."

"No problem!" He smiles "So, why are you 'kind of' new?" He asks emphasizing the 'kind of'.

"I'm not actually going to this school.Just visiting an old friend." I explain.

"Now I remember from where I know you.You are an old friend of AJ." He says.

"Yeah and you are the foster brother of AJ's girlfriend Callie." I counter.

"Or just Jesus." He says laughing.

"I'm Sky." I tell him also laughing a bit.

Then we just stare into each others eyes.

"Hey Sky!" AJ yells jogging to where Jesus and I are standing.

"There you are." He says when he arrives next to us and looks between me and Jesus.

"I see you already met Jesus.He's Callie's younger foster brother and has a twin sister Marianna." AJ explains to me.

"Yes, I did.You could say it was by accident." I tell him smiling at Jesus.

"Yeah, you could say that." Jesus says smiling back at me.

"Okay.Then how about I show you around a bit more because I got a free period and we might meet Marianna,Brandon or Jude." AJ jokes.

"Sure" I smile at him "See ya, Jesus!" I say and wave at him.

"See ya, Sky!" He replies and waves back at me.

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