🍃The Lions Of The Mountain🍃

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As i came back to the village I was greeted by everyone as usual,I saw A white haired boy which a scar under his left eye and his hair covering his right eye called Itoya and a Blond haired pretty boy called Kadzuki coming towards me. "Hey Shirayuki get ready,we're going to take out the bandits that keep on appearing near the bottom of the mountain!" He said to me. "I just got back from getting herbs from the forest but....hmm I guess..I'll come!" "Yay big sis Shirayuki is coming!" Kadzuki was always like a little brother to me so I allowed him to call me big sis and Itoya was like and older brother so I told him he could call me whatever he wanted to,but he would usually call me Shira.

On our way down the mountain we split into 3 groups : Rearguard, Vanguard and then the Front line i was in the front line with Itoya,Kadzuki, The village chief(my father )and some other people from our part of the group. We waited for the bandits to come out their hideout  since there was a lot of them and they were pretty strong so we had to part into 3 groups. Everyone had their weapons ready,i had 2 swords they had a rose crest on them,the same one that was on my dress,they both had ribbons on them to identify wich one is wich. Cresent Rose was the sword with the Red and white ribbon on the handle and the other was called Raven it had a black and red ribbon on it,i named that one after my mother. 6 People walked out holding swords that were stolen from some swordsmen in our village that we had to get back. We attacked them from the back,Our Chief took 2 of them down with is sword,Kadzuki stayed on the hill above and used his bow to take out 1 person,Itoya took out 1 with his throwing knives and i used my Twin swords to take out 2 people. More came out and we continued,3 people were able to get past us but luckily there was the Vanguard. "They have all been wiped out and they had some useful herbs too,its good i came." "Well i didn't think you would come but it looks like you had fun!" said my father patting my head. After that we went back to the village and gave the swordsmen their swords back and had dinner,wich was more of a party that we have every night.

"I really like the moon light and the stary sky...........Kadzuki,Itoya,Dad im going to bed, Night!"...."Sleep well my little rose." said my father as i went to my room in the building to the right. My father would sometimes call me by my last name wich was Rose since my father used to be a noble but something happened in the past and he had to run away with my mum and my uncle. I was just a baby so i didn't know much about what happened but i kept my last name,also i wanted to see my Uncle Qrow since he has been away for 2 days on a job so i dont know when he comes back. And my mother went missing when i was 5 so i haven't seen her since.
Thanks for reading the 1st chapter of my Zeyuki fan fiction,its only the introduction so Zen should be in the next chapter. I might not be able to post all the time because of school and homework and family stuff,i also have my other story that im making. So please enjoy. 💝⚔✨👑🌸

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