🏰Pharmacists & Herbs🏰

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Quick note:
Thanks for the amount of views this fanfic has gotten,i didnt think many people would read it so im really greatfull! I hope you like the development of the story as it goes on. With the characters and the ships: Zenyuki & Mitsuki! Now lets start the story!
"Wow so that is Wistal castle other there?" "Yea it's really easy to get lost so be careful when we get there,Ok!" Zen said. I nodded my head to tell him 'Ok' Mitsuhide and Kiki were talking about something together while sitting by a tree.

(Kiki's POV)
"It looks like Zen has taken a liking to her,huh" "Well she does seem dependable." I told my partner with my usual look In my face. I wonder what will happen when we get to the castle......the pharmacists test is coming up,Shirayuki is good with herbs so maybe! "Mistuhide when we get to the castle we should tell Shirayuki about the pharmacists test. She might like it and if she does good than she will be working in the castle and we could keep an eye on her!" "Yes that is a good idea lets tell Zen he would want to probably hear that!"

Time skip

(Zen's POV)
We were now in the castle,the 4 of us went to the garden for a bit. While Shirayuki was looking at some flowers Mitsuhide and Kiki came up to me "Zen soon the pharmacists test is coming up,maybe we should tell her!" Kiki suggested quietly so Shiryuki didnt hear her. "That does sound good ill tell her,Hey Shirayuki come here!" "Okie!"as she got up from her spot and walked to us. Mitsuhide had the information paper and gave it to her,she took it and looked at it. "Its an information paper for applicants to become palce court Herbalists!" I told her and she looked at us 3 determined and said "Well i guess im gonna aim for that than,thanks for the help!"

(Shirayuki's POV)
"Well i guess im gonna aim for that than,thanks for the help!" I said to them. That's my new goal and i already know where i need to start! Just that moment Mitsuhide came up to me and patted my head..."Good luck Shirayuki,were here to help if you need anything!" "Hahaha thanks Mitsuhide!

Time skip 2 days after

So much stuff has happened since i met them,Zen,Kiki and Mitsuhide! Like yesterday for example Zen came to the gates to meet me but got into trouble for skipping his work,it was kinda funny because Mitsuhide looked like he was about to cry if Zen did go missing! Today im going to do the pharmacists test,i wonder how it'll be. Its good i have my two swords because anything could happen! I was looking at some flowers until i heard my name being called,i looked back to see Zen,Kiki and Mitsuhide. "Hello Shirayuki,you nervous?" "A bit but im determined i can do it!" 'Ding Dong Ding Dong' "It's the bell I should get going bye!" I said waving good bye to them.

"Welcome everyone I'm Garack the Head pharmacist I hope your determined because the test is going to be hard. First you need to sign the  paper and answer the questions then put when your going to do the test!" I signed the paper than gave it in surprisingly I was first! I than went outside to wait. I was walking when someone bumped into me and books went flying! "Oh my I'm so sorry!" I quickly picked up the books and to my surprise it was a young boy,I gave the books I picked up back to him. "Hello I'm Ryuu....(whispers) Yura Shigure!" He covered his mouth,he just said something what was it? "I'm Shirayuki" "Eh thanks for the help!" He said and ran of.

(-_-) zzz (-_-) zzz (-_-) zzz (-_-) zz
Im sorry i was late with this chapter i didnt know what to write but it was longer than the others so its good! Also im working on another Zenyuki fan fic and i might start writing some other stuff so sorry if the chapters are late!

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