🔥Swords are mirrors to the past🔥

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(2 days later, Zen's POV)

I invited Shirayuki to come and cross swords with us. I'm happy she was able to become an Apprentice court herbalist also she's amazing with a sword but even better with 2 swords. She looks beautiful too her hair just adds to that! "Well it looks like she beat you again Mitsuhide!" "Oh come on Kiki!" Alright I need to stop thinking like this or else I might seem wierd! "Are you ok Zen...Z-Zen hello." "O-oh sorry Shirayuki,yea I'm ok! Well it looks like she has beaten all of us and is it time for you to go back to work Shirayuki?" "Yes it is and thanks I had a lot of fun!" She said cheerfully "Well we will see you later!" I heard Kiki say and Shirayuki left. Time to go back to work!

(Shirayuki's POV)

For some reason I can't stop thinking about him..about Zen! I need to get back to the pharmacy,I don't want to be late.

-Time Skip-

"Hey Shirayuki once you have Finnished that please look at these they are the Second Princes Medical Records,since you are the closest out of the Herbalists I'd like you to have this job!" I heard the Chief Herbalist say putting two medical records on the table. "Ok!" I said but wondering why there were two so I finished up and told Ryu I'm of,then walked to my work desk in the other room.

I opened the first record looking at all the injuries he has had,a couple of them peaked my interest and made me want to know why they happened! Looking at everything made my heart ache it hurt to imagine the pain he went through. Once I finished I moved to the next record reading the title "Poisoning,ECT". Poisoning....why..a record of being poisoned?!" It was so shocking I felt like I couldn't even stand without using my hands for support! I started to read:

July 16
•Felt weak
•Was sick
•Couldn't walk
•Stable for 3 hours

October 20
•Passed out 2x
•Couldn't talk
•Couldn't walk
•Stable for 6 hours

I couldn't read anymore I was already silently crying!

(Zen's POV)

I decided to go to the pharmacy since I had finished everything I was doing,also a while ago the Chief Pharmacist asked me for my medical records. The Chief told me Shirayuki was in her work room so I went and once I got to the door I could see Shirayuki......She is usually strong but I could see right now she was not happy she was sad,she was crying! "So you read them!" I said opening to door and walked beside her,she wouldn't look as me so I asked her to look at me when she did I could see the water in her eyes. I pulled her towards me and hugged her "I'll stay and keep you company so please don't cry!" I told her. I wonder why tho why was she crying just reading my record? Was she...worried,did it hurt her? "Thank you Zen and...I'll try not to cry!" She said,it surprised me but I hugged her tighter and then let her go so she could read the rest.

Im sorry i havnt updated in a while i have been doing stuff and reading other fan fics. I was also Binge watching Yuri on Ice so it might be a while till the next chapter: Im not a robot! I also cant believe the amount of views i was so happy and surprised!

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