Car Washes and Dance Classes

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New Cover and Banner made by _NotToday_ cause she's AWESOME!!! 

Woohoo Chapter Two!!!!!!! I'm sorry if you all think that story is moving slowly, but it is just the beginning so bare with me please =) Almost forgot, I need help for different topics for senior project papers, if you have any leave then in my PM thanks!





For the rest of the week the gossip still hadn’t let up about the party, and Celeste didn’t know what to do with herself. It was seriously getting to her. Something needed to happen to draw attention away from the party. On top of all that she had still been trying to get her friends to tell her who Nate was. Everything she had done to find out who he was got her nowhere. Her only chance to find out was through her friends and they just weren’t budging. It frustrated her to no end. Why would Hunter tell her what his name was if he didn’t plan on pointing him out to her? Her friends were evil.

The end of the school week came up quickly and she couldn’t have been more ecstatic about it. At least now she would have two days of peace; no more hearing about that damn party and lap dance. There was also the car wash tomorrow, then her dance class after. The latter was what she was most excited about. She had had so much work to do for school this week that she hadn’t had time to get to the little studio.

The final bell rung and Celeste high tailed it out of class and to her locker. Thankfully she wasn’t assigned any work for the weekend. She was tired of having to do school work on the days you were supposed to get a break from school. Maddie was leaning against the lockers when Celeste walked up.

“So what are we doing tonight?” Maddie asked as Celeste put all her books into her lockers. 

“I don’t know,” Celeste shrugged. It really didn’t matter to her what they did as long as it had nothing to do with a party. “No parties though.”

“I don’t think there are any tonight because of the car wash tomorrow. Since it’s mandatory for seniors no one wants to risk getting wasted tonight and not showing up tomorrow because of a hangover,” Maddie said. She knew that she was one of those people. There would be no way she’d get out of bed tomorrow if she went out and partied tonight.

“Hey lovelies,” Nina grinned, sauntering up to them. “So, what are we doing tonight?”

“We were just talking about that,” Celeste said, closing her locker and pulling her bag onto her shoulder. “We have no idea what we’re doing yet, but we do know that parties are out of the question.”

“Agreed. Now, let’s head to the diner cause I am starving. We can brainstorm while we eat,” Nina suggested as she pulled her twin and best friend out of the school building. 

The girls piled into Celeste’s charcoal gray Nissan Altima. Every Friday since Celeste had gotten her car, the girls all rode to school and back home with her. The drove the short distance to the diner and all got out of the car. The diner was already full of kids from school. It was like the after school hang out in a way. It also helped that ‘Danny’s’ had the best ice cream and milkshakes around. The burgers were also the best ever. Walking to their usual table, they all smiled and waved at Danny, the owner. 

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