Gossip Is A Bitch

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BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT TO MY DAUGHTER WHO JUST TURNED 7 TODAY!!!! I'm pretty sure I've written that more than once on this site lol...

Not much to say except check out the Banner & Trailer by _NotToday_ have I mentioned she's awesome? I think I did and I'll say it again, SHE IS AWESOME!

To all of you who read/comment/vote are the shizznit too! If it wasn't for all of you awesome people I probably wouldn't be writing...YOU GUYS ARE MY INSPIRATION & I LOVE YOU GUYS...Did that sound weird *shrugs* I don't care if it does cause it's TRUE!!!! Anyway on to the story lol...





Celeste walked into her house with a smile on her face. She didn’t think that anything could take it away. She had had a wonderful time at the Anderson’s and wondered if she would ever get that chance again. Even though she and Nate would be working together for the next three months, that didn’t mean that she would constantly be over at their house. The thought brought a small frown onto her face and Celeste didn’t like it. She wanted to see Brooklyn again; that little girl was just the cutest thing ever. 

She wondered if Nate would mind bringing her along when they worked together at places that weren’t his house. Celeste would have to ask him about that. She had been so deep in thought that she hadn’t even seen Aaron sitting there staring at her. He just sat there and wondered what his baby sister was thinking so hard about. Aaron tilted his head to the side and gazed at her. For a moment he thought he was looking at their mother. Celeste had the same look on her face like their mom did when she was thinking hard about something.

“What are you thinking so hard about?” he asked after sitting there for five minutes just watching her think.

“Dammit,” Celeste jumped. “Aaron, you scared the crap out of me.”

Aaron chuckled. “I didn’t mean too, it’s just you’ve been sitting here for the past five minutes zoning out with your thinking face on.”

“Oh, sorry,” she said sheepishly. Celeste didn’t know why she was embarrassed about being caught thinking. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was her brother and she was thinking about a boy (something she never did).

“So, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Aaron asked. It wasn’t like his sister to think so hard about something.

Celeste shrugged. “Just our senior project. We were assigned partners today,” she said like it was no big deal. To most people it wasn’t, but to her it was a big deal alright. 

“So who’s your partner?” he asked curiously.

“Nate,” she replied not really paying attention to her brother. Her thoughts were still on Nate and Brooklyn. 

Aaron’s eyes widened in shock. “Nate? As in Nate Anderson?” he questioned, hoping the answer was no. He had heard enough about Nate to know that he wasn’t the kind of guy he wanted his sister hanging around with.

Celeste looked up at in brother in shock. Was she really the only one who didn’t know him? “You know him?” she asked.

“Ce, everybody knows who Nate Anderson is. The boy has his own cell down at the station.” Celeste couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Nate had given her the cliff notes version of how he had been before, but her brother had to be over exaggerating.

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