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I know I failed to put Nate into the last chapter but, I wanted to add more Aaron & Hunter time. So I hope this chapter suffices since there’s whole bunch of Nate in it. This chapter is probably going to be longer than the others (not sure but, maybe). I hope you all enjoy it...





(This is not edited)


The whole day Nate had been trying to catch a glimpse of Celeste. Everything he was sure he saw her, it turned out to be someone else. For his first four classes he watched the door to see if maybe she was in his classes, she wasn’t. When lunch came around he was once again disappointed that he hadn’t seen her. It was during that time he had heard all the whispers and gossip going around. So many girls were talking about Celeste. He wasn’t sure what they were talking about until he was walking to his fifth period. 

“Have you heard?” a girl who was walking in front of him asked the girl next to her.

“Heard what?” the other girl asked

“Mr. Martin paired Celeste Taylor with Nate Anderson for the senior project.” she said 

“Are you serious?” the second girl exclaimed “Why would he do that? Everyone knows that Nate is so much better than her.” she had said ‘her’ as if it disgusted her to talk about Celeste.

Nate felt his blood boil. He didn’t know why he was feeling that way but, figured it had something to do with the fact that the girls were talking about Celeste. These girls were crazy if they thought he was better than Cece, if anything she was a better person then he could ever dream to be. The girls kept talking not knowing that Nate was walking right behind them. He didn’t try to make himself known to them, he wanted to know what else they had to say.

“Seriously though, like hello,” the first girl huffed “I would be so much better for him, I bet I could get him with a snap of my fingers.” Nate raised an eyebrow and scoffed. Was she really that full of herself?

“You really think I’m that easy?” he asked amused.

The girls stopped in their tracks and slowly turned to face him. “Oh, hey Nate,” the first girl said. Her name was Brittany, he had her in his History class. Her friends name was Sierra, she used to live next door to him.

“You didn’t answer my question.” he said crossing his arms over his chest. “Do you really think I that easy, that you could get me with the snap of your fingers?”

“I-I...” she stammered. 

“That’s what I thought,” he said stepping past them. “It’s never going to happen Brittany but, you’re free to keep dreaming.”

Nate walked into the class on his right - History - this was going to be an interesting class. He sat at his desk with his legs stretched out in front of him and his arms crossed behind his head. Brittany walked into the room with her head down not once glancing in his direction. Nate began to wonder why he ever slept with girls like her. They were a pain in his ass. 

His English class couldn’t come by fast enough. Nate walked in and grinned when he saw Celeste sitting in the back corner of the room. Why had he never noticed her in this class before? It didn’t matter now. In a matter of seconds he was sitting at the desk next to her. She had yet to notice him, she was to busy staring out the window. 

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