School Fights and First Kisses

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I know you all want me to update sooner and I would but, I'm working with an editor on this story so my updates my be a bit spread out at times...I'm going to try to at least get them out every 3-4 days just like I'm going to be doing with my other stories...

Anyway, I really enjoy all the comments you all leave me they really are the greatest...I also hope that you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it...




(Next Update on Monday)


The next morning Celeste woke up earlier than she normally did. She hadn’t been able to find something to wear last night even though she had literally turned her closet up-side-down. Just about everything she owned was strewn across her room. She didn’t know why she was going through so much trouble to find something to wear. It’s not like her date was today but, she just couldn’t help it. Nate was joining them and she didn’t want to look like a freaking mess. So, that meant her usual attire was just not going to cut it. As a last resort she called the twins and begged them to come over to help her, they were more than happy to oblige. 

It was nearly 7am when the twins came flouncing into her room with their personal make over kits. Celeste sighed and immediately regretted her decision to call them. She didn’t want a darn make over, all she needed was help finding something to wear. They would have her drawing all kinds of attention if she gave them free reign.  

“I said I needed help finding something to wear,” she said dryly “You are not giving me one of your make overs.”

“Aw come on,” Maddie whined. Her friend was being so unfair.

“That is so not fair,” Nina groaned stomping her foot like a child.

“I don’t care if it isn’t fair.” Celeste shrugged “Now, help me.”

“Why the heck do you need help anyway?” Maddie asked still pouting as she sorted through the mess of clothes everywhere.

“That doesn’t matter,” Cece said crossing her arms over he chest. If she told them why she asked for their help, they would never let it go.

“How are we supposed to help you if we don’t even know why we’re doing it?” Nina questioned, helping Maddie. Celeste sure made a mess of things while looking for an outfit. 

Celeste sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Nate is joining us at Danny’s for breakfast today and I don’t know what to wear.” 

“Oh my gosh, Nina, did you hear that?” Maddie asked nudging her twin in the ribs.

“I believe I did,” Nine grinned with a nod. “Our little Cece is growing up!” 

“This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” Cece huffed. Let the torture begin.

For the next 15minutes Nina and Maddie went on and on about it. If this is how they were now Celeste could only imagine how they were going to react once she told them about dinner on Friday. Celeste decided that it would be best to keep that bit of information to her self for now. When the twins finally calmed down they started throwing a bunch of clothing at her. She didn’t understand how it was going to help her if all they did was throw clothes at her. 

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