True Love or Tragedy

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Whew! Sorry for the long wait! Too much has been going on and I didn't want to write & then I got a job so that's taking up a lot of my time right now...Been slowly adding to my next chapters so please bare with me =)





Monday morning dawned with bright sunny skies. Celeste stood at the window just watching the sky change colors. She had been standing there for well over an hour. She watch the sun peek over the mountain tops and light up the sky. It was almost seven in the morning and she knew that she needed to hurry it up and get ready. Celeste was meeting up with the twins for breakfast at Danny’s and if she didn’t get a move on she was going to be late. Releasing his hold on the curtain, Celeste headed for her closet in search for something to wear. 

As she browsed through her selection of clothes Celeste was glad that she had taken a shower when she had first woken up. She would have more time to get ready. Since the day was looking to be pretty warm Celeste picked out a dark brown tank top from the closet. Walking over to her dresser she pulled out a pair of dark wash denim short that stopped an inch or down below mid thigh. With her hair thrown up into a pony tail Celeste found her self at her closet again. Her outfit needed something but, she wasn’t sure what the something was. There was a creme colored braided belt hanging up, Celeste grabbed that and laced it through her belt looks tying on the left side of her hips. Slipping on some creme flip flops Celeste walked back to her vanity and take’s a seat.

Celeste sat there for a little bit wondering what to do with herself. There was still something missing to complete the outfit. Opening up her jewelry box she fingered through it. That’s it. She thought as she pulled out her mothers necklace. It wasn’t an expensive piece of jewelry, Celeste’s mother often used simple things, cheap things. She had always told Celeste that it didn’t matter how much things cost, they could be just a few dollars or hundreds. How you wore it was what mattered. Celeste pulled the slim golden chain over her head. There were a few brown beads woven in here and there. As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror she smiled. It was perfect and brought the whole outfit together in her eyes. 

Her cell phone dinged and Celeste look over her shoulder. It was sitting on her bed side table still plugged into the charger. She knew who it was before she even stood and walked over to pick it. Opening the message Celeste couldn’t help but chuckle. Nina’s message was just what she knew it would be. That girl didn’t have a patient bone in her body when it came to her and her food. Shaking her head Celeste slipped her phone into her back pocket, grabbed her bag and left the room. Aaron wasn’t sitting in the kitchen when she entered, so Celeste knew that he headed for the store earlier then he normally did. He probably had a crap load of paper work that he needed to go through. Lord only knew how behind he was since he had been spending so much time with Nina. 

“About damn time,” Nina shouted from the table that she and Maddie were sitting at. 

Celeste chuckled and made her way over. “Good morning to you too,” she said 

“It would’ve been a better one if you had gotten here sooner,” Maddie grumbled “This one hasn’t shut up since we got here.” she said hooking her thumb as her twin. 

“It was not that bad,” Nina huffed falling back against her seat. 

“It probably was,” Celeste laughed “You know how you get when it comes to food,”

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