School Projects and Two Year Old's?

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Thank you all for the amazing comments. Even though I don't reply to them I do read them. Each one makes me smile =)

Another amazing cover by _NotToday_>>>>>>>>>>>





“Why didn’t you tell me that you knew who gave me the lap dance?” Nate asked, narrowing his eyes at Hunter on Sunday afternoon. Nate couldn’t wait until Monday to talk to Hunter, so he had called him and asked Hunt to meet him at his house today. They were sitting in Nate’s living room and Hunter had been grinning since he arrived.

“Where would the fun have been in that?” Hunter countered. “It was so much more fun watching the two of you get frustrated ‘cause you didn’t know who the other was.” 

“That shit was not funny,” Nate stated. “If I hadn’t gone to pick up Jess from dance class last night I would have never found out who she was.”

“Yes, you would have. The town is only so big; you would’ve bumped into each other eventually,” Hunter shrugged.

“Does she know who I am?” Nate asked. 

“She had no clue who you were when she gave you the lap dance since it was too dark as you know. When you told me about the whole lap dance thing I told her that I knew who you were and gave her your name. She has no idea who you actually are though. You could walk right up to her and she wouldn’t know who she was talking to unless you told her your name,” Hunter said.

“Hmmmm, interesting…” Nate thought aloud. 

“Don’t even think about using her as you flavor of the week because I will beat you.” Hunter warned. This is why he didn’t tell Nate who Cece was. He knew how Nate could be. If he wanted something, he wouldn’t stop until he got it. From the look in Nate’s eyes, he wanted Cece.

“I don’t have flavors of the week any more, Hunt, you know that,” Nate said. 

“Whatever, she’s not a toy for you to play with. If you fuck with her I swear I’ll kick your ass.”

“Watch it,” Nate hissed, covering his daughters ears with his hands. She was already picking up on everything else; he didn’t need to add cursing to the list.

“My bad,” Hunter grimaced; he had totally forgotten that Brooklyn was in the living room playing.

Hunter prayed that she hadn’t heard what he said. If she started copying him, Nate was going to have his ass. He sat there and watched as Nate played with Brooklyn. Hunter always liked coming over and watching them interact. He was always used to the hard ass, player Nate; the Nate who was always getting into trouble, causing fights. He was still the same old Nate that Hunter had known for ten years; only difference now was he had a kid. 

Brooklyn was the cutest kid he had ever seen. She was always laughing and had a smile on her face. He used to wonder why Nate would always rush to get home, or why he would only stay out with the boy for an hour or maybe two. Seeing him with Brooklyn, Hunter knew why. That little girl was the best thing to ever happen to Nate. He always seemed more at ease when he was with her. 

“Why don’t we take Brooklyn to the park?” Hunter offered.

“Why, she has a swing set, slide, sandbox and all the other things a park has in the backyard,” Nate said looking up at his friend.

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