Bitter Truth!!!

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Nathan's POV

" Nat, I can walk. Just hold my hand. " Lucy said.

" OK." I hold her hand.

" Don't get angry, Babe." She kissed my cheek. " Breath normally, it's looking like you are ready to kill them."

" I would love to. How dare they try to hurt my brother and my wife? " I said controlling my anger.

" Mr. Edwards? " Someone called me.

" Yes." I said.

" You can go inside. " the man said and we all entered the room.

Eon was with Ashley. I saw he has gone pale seeing the people inside. My anger rose at once. How dare they scare my brother? Eon was hiding himself behind Ashley. Ashley was trying to make him stable who was continuously trembling. I stepped inside to see the people by my own.

" Mr. Jefferson?! " my eyes went widen.

" Hello, Nat." He said and my anger was out of control.

But suddenly someone hold my hand tightly and I turned and found my wife. I calm down a bit. Then I saw the rest of two. I was sure about them. Just took a glance. Mrs. Jefferson and Nicole Stanmore.

" I completely understand Nicole's motive to hurt my wife. I don't care about her. Officer,I want to file a case on her 'attempt to murder'. I hope she will not be able to see the world outside of the bar for a long time." I said calmly.

" Sure, Mr. Edwards." The cop said.

" No, no, baby, don't do it. You know I love you so much. Please I just wanted to get you. That witch -" Nicole got a slap from Elaina. She was about to give more, but Nick hold her. Adriana was fuming but she controlled herself.

" Bi*ch, I will chop you and feed you Roxy. Don't dare to call my friend a witch. You are witch. You are belong to a witch family. Bitch, I will kill you. You moron." Elaina shout out the top of her lungs and Nicole got scared.

" Now, if you try to say any rubbish anymore, God knows what will I do. So, please do both of a favor and shut your filthy mouth up." Thanks God! She is in her normal tone now.

The Christos Girls are very sweet and loving, funny and caring but when someone try to hurt their family, they become ferocious ever. I saw Ashley her eyes was shooting fire at Nicole but as she was handling Eon she didn't do anything.

Uncle and Aunt was just watching this. They kept calm cause they understood that situation.

" I didn't understand your motive, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson. " I said.

" Edwards."  He said.

" What?" I asked confusingly.

" Mr. & Mrs. Edwards. " Mr. Jefferson said.

" I am Stuart Edwards and she is Cherry Edwards, her name is not Nicole, she is my daughter Lily Edwards. And I am the elder brother of your father." He said and I got surprised.

" What?!!" I almost shouted.

" Yes." He said.

" Then why did you take the name Jefferson? " I asked him.

" For revenge. " He said.

" Revenge?!!" I was shocked.

" Yeah, revenge. " he said.

" Sir, may I come in? " it was Paul and Marie.

" Come in , Paul. " I said.

" Sir, I have to tell you something. That Mr. Jefferson is -" he was saying but I cut him.

" My uncle, right?" I said and his eyes went widen.

" Sir, I mean,... Yes, sir." He said.

" When did you find it out?" I asked.

" Sir, 4 years ago the day I went to see you in London. " he said.

" What? That long?! And you are telling me now?" I asked him.

" Sir, I tried to tell you that but I hadn't enough proof. So, I shut my mouth." He said.

" What makes you inform me about Eon? There was something wrong, right? " I asked him.

" Sir, Marie saw Mrs. Jefferson and Ms. Stanmore scaring Eon. Even Ms. Stanmore slapped him. So, Marie and I decided to inform you." He finished and I heard Nicole or Lily whoever she is shouted in pain. It was a hard slap from Ashley.

" How dare you slap my brother, huh?" Christos sisters. God!!! Another slap. It's from Adriana.

" I don't like hurting anyone, specially kids. And you? You hurt our little brother? You stupid." Adriana said. Another slap, only she was left to slap her from the Christos. My dear wife.

" You hurt him? Stupid girl. You are lucky that you are here. Otherwise, I would have killed you." I went there and pulled her aside. The girls are dangerous when they are angry.

" Now, Mr. Jefferson or Mr. So called Edwards, will you do us a favor and tell us the purpose of your revenge and all of the rubbish you have done?" I said calmly.

" I wanted to take a revenge on my brother. I have taken that. He had taken my dream away from me, and I had taken his life away from him."

What!!!!! What!!!!!

" What?!!!" I shouted in wonder.

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