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4 months ago

University of London, UK

Nathan's POV

I was missing Eon badly. Currently sitting on the cafeteria of the university. I have to finish my study. I always dreamt about it from childhood. I would take the family business empire from my dad after that. But look at me. I am doing all alone. No one is here. No parents, no family. Will I be able to give my brother the same love and care that I got from my parents?! I have to. I may not be able to give him exactly what my parents would do, but I will try. He was a baby of 6 months when my parents died in an accident. I was 16 that time. I had to handle our business and my study, I had to take care of my brother. There was no one accept my mom's friend Mia Jefferson. She always helped me. Now, Eon is with her.

I am hungry. Why didn't I order for something? I thought. I saw girls are checking me out and it's usual for me. I called the waiter and ordered for something. I was waiting for the order and my eyes laid on a person who was sitting in the corner and enjoying his morning coffee. He seems to be known to me. But I couldn't remember where have I seen him.

" Good Morning, Sir. " I saw my secretary Paul there. What is he doing here! He supposed to be in Italy.

" What are you doing here? " I raised my eyebrows. He was the Secretary of my dad. He is in his late 40.

" Sir, Ms. Stanmore send this to me to give you." He showed me a box.

Nicole Stanmore is Mia Jefferson's niece. She is an annoying girl ever. I have told her several times that I have no interest in her but she doesn't stop. It's totally annoying. I sipped my coffee and gestured Paul to sit down. I was looking at the person still there and now working on his laptop. Paul followed my graze and find him.

" Oh my God, Nickolas Christos!!! He is Brother of Adriana Stewart. " I suddenly understand why he was looking very known to me. He is the brother of one of the most famous superstars.

There are so many articles about them on Magazines, Newspaper and Internet in past few months. Their family tragedy yeah it's very cruel truth. But his real father is the killer of his mother and he did this in front of them. He tried to kill Adriana's husband Ethan Stewart on the church just after the marriage. Well, he is very strong though. I have to admit that he is strongest person I have ever seen. I looked at him. He was still working. Interesting person. I thought and he stood up and left the cafeteria. Wait, Isn't this Jessica Francis the girl following her?! God! This girl is a bi*ch. She hadn't left any guys here and now found him?! Her dad works on my company in NYC. She knows me. Maybe that's why she hadn't tried me. Such a bi*ch.

" Paul, take this box and return it to Ms. Stanmore. You work for me not for Ms. Stanmore or Mrs. Jefferson. Am I clear? " I said in a cold tone.

" Yes, sir." He said.

" Next time you will leave Italy and Eon alone when I say that to you. " I said. I saw him hesitating. Maybe he wants to say something.

" You want to say something? " I asked him.

" Ummm...sir. I.. I mean...Marie... Eon...School.. " he was shattering.
Marie is his wife and teacher of Eon's school.

" Go ahead. " I said.

" Sir, that day Marie said to me that she saw Eon crying on the school ground. She approached him and he hugged her and cried. She tried to know what happened but he just cried and wanted to go with her. Umm.. I think.. I think there is a problem and you should handle it." I got surprised. My brother was crying?!

" Let's go. I am coming with you." I said.

After 2 hours

Milan, Italy.
Jefferson's house.

" Nat, you are home? " Mrs. Jefferson said to me.

" Yes, where is Eon?" I asked.

" Broooo." Eon jumped on me. I hugged him and kissed the top of his head. " I missed you." He said my heart clenched.

" Me too." I tickled him. He laughed. I put him down and he hugged my leg. I smiled.

" Eon, go and tell. Ms. Jones to pack up your bags and things. We are leaving." he nodded and ran inside.

" What! Where is he going? " Mrs. Jefferson said.

" He is going to live with Marie and Paul. He said that to Marie and his wish means a lot to me." I said.

" They are money sucker. They won't take good care of Eon like I do." she said. If you did then he won't cry. I will find out the reason soon.

" Yeah, maybe. But it's best for him. If they also fails I will take him with me. His performance in school is not so praiseworthy. Marie can help him. So, he is going to live with them. It's final." I said.

" Nat?" It was Nicole. She came to me and tried to hug me but I stepped back.

" Nicole, I have told you before that I don't like these things." I said.

" I know, Babe." She said.

" Don't call me that. " I said.

" Can we go on a date ?" she asked me. Urrrghh... This girl....

" No, I have come for Eon. Not for you." I said. She got angry.

" You always say...your brother this...your brother that.. Why don't you think about me?" She asked me

" Why would I?" I asked. " Don't even take my brother's name. You don't deserve it. He is my Brother. The first priority of my life. He is my everything." Eon running the room and hugged my leg again. Giggled.

He instantly stopped seeing Nicole. He hide behind me. Nicole had done something wrong. I looked at her coldly. She got scared and left the room. I bent down and pick him up his eyes were teary.

" Hey, little man. What's the problem?" I asked. He just hugged me and just buried his face on my neck. I hold him. I took his stuffs and said to Mrs. Jefferson, " Thanks for taking care of him." I turned and came out of the house. I made Eon sit on the passenger seat and put the seatbelt on him. He was now smiling widely.

" Are we leaving this dirty house? " he asked smilingly.

" Yeah, little man. " I ruffled his hair and he giggled. I stopped the car and gave him a piggy back ride. We went to Paul's house. Marie and Paul were there.

" Mrs. Lien. Thanks for informing me that." She smiled and Eon ran to her and hugged her.

" Actually, Paul didn't go to London to give you that box, I sent him to talk to you." I got surprised.

" What? Why? " I asked her.

" Eon was a brilliant child. I saw him before. Recently he wasn't doing well. I saw him crying. So, I told him to inform you. " she said.

She was very close to my mom. I sighed. She was right there is some problems.

" Thanks for informing me." I said. She smiled.

" Hey little man, wanna have fun today. " I said.

" Yaaaay.." He squealed jumped on me.

" We will be back soon." I hold my brother and come out of the house.

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