Chapter Six - E

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       Elsie looks up from the concrete, the door of the jeep shutting, curiosity makes its way back into her head.
She takes in a sharp breath as a girl she thought she'd never see again stepped onto the concrete. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a loose bun, light jeans and a white tank top occupy her form which gracefully changed over the years. Involuntarily, Elsie launched herself toward her best friend, meeting halfway in a hard hug. The two girls tightly embraced one another, moving side to side in excitement, Elsie inhaled her familiar vanilla and lavender scent and reluctantly pulled away.

"Look at you!" Lila spoke with teary eyes.

Elsie felt her throat tighten. "I thought you were out of the country, oh my gosh. When did you get here?"

"I was. I was at a training camp in France, oh you'd love it. I got here this morning, saw you were back." she enthused, eyes flickering to Nate who stood close behind them.

"Nate, look who's here." Elsie jumped in excitement as Nate casually nods with a smile. She sensed something in the air, too pumped to pay it any mind. "I have so much to show you, come on."

The two friends laced fingers and sped to the house as if they never left each others side. Else's mind was racing with things to tell her, to ask her, hundreds a minute. Instead she just dragged her through the house, shutting her room door behind them. Lila did a small circle, observing the changes, she fiddled with the purple bong on her desk.

"Taking on new hobbies?" Lila asks with a quirked eyebrow. Elsie blushes, shaking off her jacket and hanging it on the back of a chair.

"Mm. Particularly. It's been a long time, I've taken on many new hobbies." she chuckles, pushing her hair from her face. "What are you doing tonight?"

Her friend bounces on the edge of her bed. "Seeing you."

Elsie nods, "Nate and I are going to this party thing at a friend's house, if you'd like that."

Lila's thick lips purse. "I'm down. Haven't been to an American party in awhile, I'm afraid the French may have given me too many manners."

Elsie sits beside her friend, folding her hands. "How was it? Oh, I bet it was beautiful."

"Dirty. Very dirty." she chuckles. "But the men were quite lovely."

"Sounds perfect for me." Elsie jokes.

"Should this be fine for the party?" Lila asks, motioning to her outfit with questioning eyes. "I could go back to my hotel room and change."

"No, no, you look fine. Why aren't you staying at home?"

Lila fiddles with a leather bracelet on her wrist. "My family moved a couple towns over after you left. We don't talk much."

"Oh..." Elsie tries hard to hide her frown but fails.

"It's okay, El. I just wished things were different...I wish I knew." said Lila. "We haven't really discussed anything."

"Which is purposeful. We can't have a little fun before we get down to business?" Elsie shrugs, reaching for the bong on her end table.

"That's never the way it works, besides, I deserve a full explanation." She crosses her arms.

"You will get one. Just not till after tonight. Can we just reunite in peace?" Elsie hits her bong smoothly, Lila watches in confusion. She remembers trying out weed for the first time and Lila always dismissing the idea of her trying it.

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