Chapter Eight - E

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Elsie woke up with a tremendous migraine, a dry mouth and no pants on. She stirred in the unfamiliar bed till she felt Lila's structure beside her. There's a cup of water on the nightstand which Elsie gulps down, scanning the floor for her phone. Lila slowly woke up, turning toward her friend with a smile.

"I bet you feel like shit." Lila muttered, sleep still evident in her voice and face.

Elsie rubbed her temples. "I can't tell you what I was doing about an two hours into the party." this reminds Elsie. "Where are we by the way?"

"Still at Matthew and Natalie's. They begged for us to stay, we were all also wasted so it was for the best." she explained.

"Cool...I don't think I've ever met such nice people."

"You and me both." Lila sat up.

Ruckus sounds from downstairs, frightening the two. Natalie shouts a few swear words after, causing both the girls to laugh before getting dressed and going to assist her.

When they approach the kitchen, they notice Natalie fussing about something under her breath with her back turned. She turns, jumping at the sight of them.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you." Elsie winces. "You okay?"

"Oh, yeah. Matt just lost my favorite pan. How are you guys this morning?" she smiles, her sweet and selfless persona reappearing.

"We're good. Sorry about crashing here and all." Lila says, leaning against the counter.

"Nonsense. You're always welcomed. I'm glad you guys had fun." she waves it off, grabbing another pan from the cabinet. "This'll do."

"Do you need any help? I make a killer pancake." Elsie smiles.


Not long after a more than fulfilling breakfast, Elsie and the others were exchanging goodbyes. Though Matthew and Natalie were simple strangers, Elsie decided they were good people, good people she's always wanted in her life. Their love was passionate and hospitality endless. She was sad to go in all honesty.

The drive back was silent aside from the hum of music, Nate was laid down in the back seat, every once in awhile groaning about his headache. Elsie was at ease, her bestfriend she had missed so many years of was to the left of her, her brother being a punk behind them, times truly never change. They arrive home by noon and as Elsie is stepping out her shower, her phone vibrates on the counter.

jack: hey there, beautiful.

Elsie can't resist the smile pulling on her cheeks. Jack had a way of doing that to her. Last night answered a lot of questionable feelings she had. No man had ever made Elsie feel this way, she was struck with admiration for this goofy boy with good looks.

baby girl: hello, j.

She replied, padding over to her room to dress herself, as she brushed out her knotty hair, he replied quickly.

jack: u free today??? I miss watching you organize dusty books

baby girl: maybe, and you're kinda creepy.

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