Fun night

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"I am so so so in love with you Alexis Mae Hill"

I smiled up at him and hugged him. Sadly, it had to come to an end and we walked back over to our friends hand in hand.

As soon as we got back over there, all of their eyes shot down to our hands.

"I got my girl back!!!" Niall shouted, raising our hands in the air, I laughed and blushed, putting my face into his chest.

"Fucking Finally!!!" Jake yelled and started clapping which made Niall die laughing.

"She's been a mess!!! I hate seeing my best friend crying...for almost every day for two months." Niall looked down and sighed.

"Yeah Mate, I'm sorry, and Lex again, I'm so sorry" I just hugged him harder and closer. Holly was glaring at me and I just smiled at her.

No bitch, this is my man.

"Let's go dance gorgeous" he whispered in my ear, leading me to the dance floor.

'photograph' by ed sheeran came on and we danced to it. This was perfect. Niall was perfect. All of it was just perfect.

'we keep this love in a photograph, we make these memories for ourself's' He sang to me in my ear.

I loved this boy with all my heart.

With all my body.

With all I had in me.

All of me.

He spun me in a circle then brought me back to him.

"this is kinda boring, wanna get out of here and have actual fun?" He asked me, looking into my eyes. I looked at him, smirking and nodding.

We grabbed our phones and walked out.

"let's walk to the diner" he suggested, seeing as it was only about a mile away. I nodded, taking off my heels, holding them and my phone in one hand and Niall's hand in the other.

With occasional small talk on the way, we made it to the diner where we had our first date. Niall held the door open for me as i walked in.

We went and sat at a high table with stools as the chairs.

"Well don't you two look wonderful?" our waitress, Margret, said handing us menus.

"Yes mrs. Margret, tonight was prom but Niall and I decided it was too boring there" I smiled as she sweetly smiled at me and shook her head.

"You know, you two remind me of my husband and I when we dated in highschool. In the beginning, we always fought, even broke up for a few months, then, just like you two, we got back at prom and came into this diner, my dad owned it at the time, and after that, we were close and strong as ever." She explained.

"how do you know we broke up and got back together tonight?" Niall asked her with confusion striking his face.

"Because I know you would have been in here many more times before this together and not alone" I smiled, taking Niall's hand in my own, rubbing my thumb over the backside of his hand.

We both ordered burgers and shakes, like our first date, then she walked away to get our food ready.

"I've missed you Lexi...I regret everything i said and did that night at the party, I can't forgive myself after that. I hurt you so bad" He looked down and I saw a tear fall from his eye. I lifted his chin up.

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