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"Niall I need to leave....I need to getout of here. There's too much going on, too much hurt...I just have to go." I was in tears and yanking at my hair. He grabbed my wrist but I pulled away from him.

"Lexi...please don't leave me." He was almost in tears as well, I shook my head.

"I have a plane to catch...Goodbye Niall....I'll be back though" and with that, dragging my suit case behind me, I boarded my plane, sitting in the 3rd row in the back.

I bet you're wondering what happened from Graduation to now. It's been 3 months since then, I moved with Niall to New York, big step I know, I should have told you. Everything went smoothly, we were so happy. Then I got an offer to work at a salon in Nashville, Tennessee. It's called 'Urban Betty Salon'. It has five star ratings and besides, I love Nashville. I didn't take it, at first. I was going to stay with Niall and it be happily ever after. But yet again as always, our relationship started spiraling down. I caught him cheating on me again, I forgave him...again, and now we're fighting again and I'm leaving. I called up the salon in Nashville and luckily they were open minded and let me come even though it was too late.

I had already called my mom and told her everything. I'm having almost of my things moved to Nashville too and until I can get my feet on the ground and can buy an apartment I'll be staying with my, and I hate to say it, Dad. Well my dad and aunt, I'll be switching back and forth.

I already had 3 missed calls from Niall and 7 texts. They were all basically the same thing, 'I miss you' 'don't leave me' 'I love you' blah blah blah. I'm still in love with Niall, no denying that, but he has hurt me in a tremendous way and it will be a long time before I can forgive him.

We're landing in 5 minutes and I couldn't be more ready to get off this plane even though my dad was picking me up. I got all my carrying things ready as the plane landed and I was the first one off the plane, even though the flight attendant said everyone needed to get off the plane in an orderly motion. I ran off the plane, almost falling and made my way into the 'Nashville airport' I went and got my luggage and looked for my dad.

I waited and looked at my tattoos, I also hated having to leave high voltage. Even though I left me and Derek and me and Kat were still pretty close. I was lucky to have had the opportunity to meet Kat.

Gosh I'm talking like I'll never go to Cali again.

"Alexis!" I turned my head up to see my dad jumping up and down waving his arms smiling.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards him. He smiled but it faded once he saw that I wasn't acting all happy go lucky.

"I'm glad to see you" he told me, scratching the back of his neck.

I nodded.

"Look, I know what I did to you was terrible and horrendous, I shouldn't have done it and I'm terribly sorry, I want to start over, a clean slate." He sounded truthful and desperate.

"I'm willing to start over and accept you as my actual dad, but when I say this you must listen loud and clear, if you ever so lay a hand on me in a disrespectful manner, I have no problem breaking your arms and legs then calling the police, got it?" He smirked and laughed, nodding his head.

"That's my daughter." I smiled a little, realizing maybe my dad had gotten better and went back to the way he was before his dark days.

"Anywhere you want to go? Anything you want to get? I've saved up quite a bit of money for this" I gave him a questioning look and he understood and got to explaining.

"You've always been amazing at hair and makeup, and you always talked so highly of the salon you will be working at so I decided to save up in case this time ever came...and it did" he smiled a soft one and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and as soon as he did I flinched. My eyes widened and I looked at him as he looked hurt.

"Dad, I'm sorry" I started crying and hugged him, I looked up at him and he
was so shocked that he started crying too and hugged me back.

"Why were you never there when I needed you" I sobbed as we sat down in a secluded area of the airport where nobody else was.

"I'm sorry honey, I am. When I was still with your mom I was doing drugs and neither of you knew it. I don't know why they took control of me the way they did it just happened. I'm so sorry and I can never forgive myself." He cried and hugged me.

And for once, I felt at peace with him. I loved my dad. I had to forgive him because I would be miserable the rest of my life if I didn't, and I forgave him for the first time in 7 years.

"We ought to get you home, you go in for your first day tomorrow don't you?" I grinned, wiping the tears from my stained cheeks and stood up.

"When we get home I have to tell you all that's happened and why I decided to come live with you" he smiled and nodded, hugging me once more before taking my things and leading me to his car outside.

He had a Mercedes. What the fuck.

"You have a Mercedes?!?!" I asked really loudly, to which he replied by laughing and nodding.

"Nashville pays very very well when you work downtown." I grinned even bigger knowing that I would get good pay at the salon.

I texted my mom letting her know that I got here okay and that things were going great with dad. She was happy and so am I.

"So why did you decide to move with me?" And that's when I told him everything, from the time he left to when I met Niall and everything that happened with him. It took me over an hour to explain, some was in the car ride and the rest was us sitting in the drive way talking.

"'ll never know how sorry I am about what happened, I miss out on so much of your life, you've grown into an amazing, spunky young woman and I'm so proud of you" I smiled and hugged him then got out to look at the house.

I was in love. It was a two story house with a freaking huge back yard and a pool. Just a regular pool though not an underground one.

"It's amazing!!" He grinned

"Wait till you see inside" we walked in and it was beautiful.

"The upstairs bedroom is yours and decorate it however you want, I'll be down here working on my well, work" he laughed and patted my back.

I walked upstairs into my bed room and was in awe. It was huge. I had a bathroom, a large walk in closet and a bay window with a little couch attached to it.

I might just love living in Nashville.

Bet ya didn't expect that did ya? Or was it very expectable.

Hope you enjoyed it, vote and comment!!!!


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