(first) Plan in action

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It's time, it's finally time to put my plan in action.  Rage channeled by rejection all tied together by a bloodthirsty lust for revenge on my father. He's going to pay for what he did to me, what he did to my mother. Jake isn't here anymore, he's no longer a distraction and no distractions means I can think of a plan and then start putting it into action.

It has to be slow. It has to be painful. He has to feel all the pain I have felt for the last few years, my whole life. I will make him hurt and regret the way he has treated me. I'll show him" troubled" I'll show him an "abusive child". So I thought in silence as I was beating a punching bag in the training hall, deadly stare in my eyes, deadly thoughts on my mind. Everyone got the message to stay clear, especially after the last time. The men that I had hurt last time steered clear of me for the next few weeks, not wanting a replay of last time but I still earned a few nasty looks from them and their comerades. Other than that though they didn't bother me. 

I haven't seen Jake in ages. He hasn't been training and he hasn't been in the canteen. I don't know where he is nor do I care..okay that's a lie.. I do care.. a lot... he made it clear what he thought of me through - absolutely nothing , so what's the point, right?

I hit the blue battered punching bag with such force it flew off it's  hinges and who else did it hit  but the devil himself.. and Satan (see what I did there? XD) He just managed to move out of the way in time, Satan however wasn't so fortunate and got him in the chest by at 50kg bag of sand. I rush over rand try to help him up, ready for a huge lecture and some sort of punishment, maybe I'll be moved down a rank, at least I won't have to be with Jake as much. No such luck though, he just gets up and walks away to the other side of the training room leaving me and Jake in a very very awkward silence.

Jake : "Hey man, what's up? Long time no see"                                                  These words, so familiar, so innocent. It's enough to make me fall for him again but I cant't let my feelings grow anymore, I'm still trying to pick out the shards of glass he stabbed me with last time.                                                                                                                                "Same old, just training for the next mission" - lies! Utter lies. He was my best friend, and still sort of is I guess and I just lied to him. I'm not okay, I'm not just training for a mission. I was broken and building up the strength I'd need to succeed with my plan on murdering my ignorant, selfish father.  This was MY mission, this was my purpose in this little "army" to take out the worst of the worst and besides the angels my father was definitely high up in that list of The Bad. I've been abused by that man my whole life why not teach him a lesson?

*a few hours later*
I unrolled the big pale blue paper on the dark mahogany desk. The stench of newly cut paper attacked me and I pulled out the many scrunched up pieces of A4 copy pages carefully unfolding them so I wouldn't rip them. I regret scrunching them up, especially this tight because it's going to make them harder to read. After a few long frustrating minutes of fumbling around with the masses of paper in my pocket I finally got out a small white pencil stub and started to sketch out my plan.

I hate my father..but Jake needs me more...Jake first then that pig.
Okay first of all I'll need a spy on the inside, Sammy will do that, old git owes me a favour anyway. I'll need to know EXACTLY where everything is if this to work.
Next I'm going to need to know how to kill around 40 thousand angels, and arc-angel and the Nemesis themselves; that's a tricky one. Angels can only be killed with silver weapons dipped in holy water and we are pretty limited with those, there has to be another way! Maybe I could persuade the demon's mage to help me with that weird ass incantation?...

I pondered on my quickly developing plan as I half ran to the Demon Mage's spell room. We had been told over and over again to be weary of this creature for he is not like the rest of us. Even Satan himself has to handle business with this man with care for you never know when he might betray you and stab you in the back, both literally and metaphorically. I was so lost in thought I didn't realise I was already outside the old rotten mouldy door. I had my hand on the rusting doer handle ready to walk in then decided against it and knocked sharply and the suprisingly soft door. Within seconds a wave of cold air hit me and I feel forward through the doorway right at two ugly sandled feet. The toenails were yellow and looked as if they hadn't been cut for years. They looked more like claws now than nails. The skin on the good was loose and wrinkly and looked almost as if someone had just put paper around the narrowing bone. The body attached to these feet weren't must better; frail, wrinkly and definitely not looked after. I jump up quickly to face the figure in front of me only to realise it was indeed the Mage himself.

I looked down at him with fire and determination and asked him straight up if he could do some sort of incantation to paralyse the angels and lock them inside their institution so we'd have enough time to attack. He licked his cracked lips and caked them with even more saliva and placed his hand beneath his whiskery chin in a pensive way and this gave me enough time to study this so called dangerous man.
He had an old, frail body and had shrivelled into a permanent slouch. His skin was a sickly yellow - green colour and was as papery as that on his feet. His face was old looking, like he'd faced many perils in his lifetime and the skin around his eyes and mouth sagged in a droopy sort of way. Saliva caked the corners of his pale cracked lips and eyes that had once been bright blue had now faded to a murky grey. Hardly any hair remained on his flaky scalp and there were small patches of white whisps of hair scattered his head. His chin was decorated with aging spots and rough white whiskers which he stroked now and then. He must have been an attractive man in his time but that has long since gone away as his youth has. I looked up again to meet a dangerously gentle gaze. The kind of look that could change in a split second and kill you quicker. I stood my ground but got ready for a fight if need be and waited for his answer. He looked at me with a doubtful look then shrugged it off before telling me "I'll see what I can do, come back tomorrow at midnight"
I was a bit skeptical but hey I'll take what i can get and thus starts my first plan, the second one will come around soon enough..

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