Beginning of the end

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(This next chapter may be a bit gory)

Jake POV

I could hear screaming from a distance,  echos of what sounded like a crazed animal over took the institute. I practically jumped out of my skin at the sound of it and as I crept closer and closer to the dreaded room the hairs on the back of my neck began to prickle. I glaced out from around a corner and ducked just in time to avoid a body been tossed like a red rag doll out the door. The speed causing a hurricane like affect and attacked me so my breath hid in my lungs as I stood frozen in fear, too afraid to look around again, to naïve to follow my instinct to run as fast as I could.

I glanced around the corner, ignoring every part of me that begged me to run the other way. The room was bare though as both confusion and disappointment  battled for the superior emotion. Then a rattle and a crash came from above me. I look up to see too feet dangling from the roof. Half emerged into the outside world and half still in the institute. I knew those old worn runners anywhere. It was Conor.

Conor POV

Could this be the end?

He takes another blow to my stomach. Another swing to my face. His friends are on either side of me pinning me to the wall as I double over like withered hag, their hacking coughs mixed with their drunken jeers, egging my father on. He swung another fierce punch but I didn't feel it connect. I opened an eye in uncertainty and saw Jake doubled over in front of me. My father sneered and hit him again, knocking him to the side defenseless.

I lunged at my father, completely forgetting the two idiots by my side. Jake had jumped up and lunged at the two beefy men at my side. We fought side by side like the good old times and we didn't miss even a single punch. I know it doesn't sound like something that could be romantic or anything but it brought back memories that couldn't compare. I loved this man and I wanted to make him mine but first; to deal with dad.

I closed my eyes and let my emotions consume me. I'm starting to learn how to control the..power I guess you could call it. I let loose and darkness took over me. Blue tendrils of flames spurts from my body, like whips slashing around the room. One hit a man to my right, slicing him in half as the tip of my blue flames whip clicked his eye. He quickly collapsed in a screaming heap of organs and blood. *slash*  Another hits the one on the left, decapitating him and not even giving the huge brute a chance to scream. His head rolled across the floor to my father who lay on his stomach in the floor as if that would save him. He looked up from  beneath his arms that covered him like some invisible forcefield and his eyes went wider than humanly possible. What's left of his hair went as white as his paled face. A blue flash appeared and I wasn't sure we're it all of this power was coming from but I let it surge through me and it felt damn good! Another flaming tendril lashed out, bigger than the rest, bolder, stronger. It lashed straight out at him like it had a mind of its own. My eyes caught jake's and I hesitated for a second.  Just a split second but this was something I had to do. He gave me a nod, thank god he understood. It wrapped around his neck and squeezed as it wound round and around. His pale white fave was now deep plum purple and his veins were bulging as he gasped for breath. His eyeballs were a bright red and seemed to be pulsing but the flame rode kept getting tighter and tighter. Then without any warning his skull started to cave. His eyes popped out of his skull and blood started spurt g from his mouth.

The sight was sickening and the whole room looked like a crime scene. I guess it kind of was; but I'm a dead man. I'll get off free

Sorry I have written anything in a while guys I just haven't had much time to get back into this story. Hopefully the last chapter will be completed soon and a new creation will be on the way

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