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Guilt washes over me as I think about what I'm about to do. It drowns me and a lump starts to form in my throat, how was I meant to tell Jake about what just happened?

After I saw Satan I knew I had to tell Jake but how could I do that to him? He's my best friend and I've been so distracted lately with getting my father back I can't just show up and tell him this.  He's sure to believe I'm playing him!

It's funny how time flies when you're worrying. Thoughts were still raving through my mind when I came to a halt at Jake's room. I reached for the handle with sweaty, trembling hands. I know he's not going to take this well, as tough as he acts he is really sensitive to things like this.  Don't let the muscles or tattoos throw you, he can be a real emotional guy and that's why I'm so afraid. This will break him.

I turn the handle slowly and peek through the crack of the door. Jake was lying in the floor, there were holes in the wall, broken lights and wardrobe doors and empty pizza boxes littered the floor. The song "I write sins not Tragedies"  was blaring  from the headphones across tbe floor and the xbox was on, the remote abandoned somewhere in the wreckage tbat was jake's room. He was a mess. I try to walk over to him without stepping in any of the obstacles in my path and I sat beside him. I didn't know what to say, I'm not good at this sort of thing. I felt really bad fir him but at the sake time I was happy because Satan didn't deserve him and now I have a shot with being with him. No. He's my friend and he needs me. I gotta me there for him.

"Hey man", the words came out as hardly a whisper but he still heard me. I moved closer and rested my hand on his shoulder. He didn't even budge he just started shaking. I kept quiet knowing he'd tell me in his own time.

"H- he cheated-d", was all he managed to stutter out. I was just about to open my mouth when he turned around to me. His eyes were raw red and so puffy from crying you could barely see his eyeballs. His hair was greasy and he hadn't showered in God knows how long. He groaned in pain as he turned around, obviously he hasn't been out much either, I've never seen him look this bad yet I didn't care. He needed me and that's all tbat mattered.
"What happen-"
I didn't even get to finish my sentence before he jumped up and started going mad again,  clawing at the walls, kicking things around, screaming bloody murder like a mad man high on adrenaline. I jumped up and tried to calm him before he caused any more damage to himself or the space around him. Dodging shoes, boxes, chairs and various other sure to damage objects that were swiftly flying my way I eventually managed to get close enough to him to wrap my arms around him and pin his arms to his side. He struggled and kicked and he even went as far as to actually try to bite me! That wouldn't have been pretty seeing as he has fang like teeth that he has sharpened every now and then incase he ever ended up in a similar situation. I held my bear hug like grip on him until he calmed down and slumped against me. His head hung low in defeat as I eased my arms away slowly and with caution. I've never seen him have an episode like this, sure there were times when he'd get really mad and lash out but never like this. He turned slowly towards me and a strange feeling chiselled at my chest. He was vulnerable and no one has ever seen that side of him, not even me yet I seemed to melt at the sight. I fell for this side aswell as his tough side. The sensitive, trusting side. It was...i don't know what it was but I was falling for it and falling hard. He must have noticed I was looking at him, my stare lingering at his eyes for a bit too long and that's when the most amazing, thrilling, unexpected thing happened

Jake POV
(This could get a bit sexual so if you're not into that kind of thing DO NOT READ)

He just kept staring at me. His eyes lingering a bit too long as if trying to send me a secret message. His intense gaze thawing away at my anger like a flame melting the ice that had encased my heart. I could feel my face heat up slowly as thoughts of what I was about to do consumed my mind. Should I do this? Would he reject me? I didn't even know if this gorgeous demi god loved me like that. That's when I made one of the biggest choices in my life.

I cupped his face in my trembling hands and leaned in, pressing my lips to his and pulling him closer still. It felt so right but something was off. He wasn't kissing me back. I pulled away suddenly, getting ready to run but as soon as I pulled away he pulled me back and deepened the kiss. Sparks flew and my knees felt weak. Butterflies danced in my stomach as he pulled me close to his chest and kissed me again, this time more passionate. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. It was perfect. I've been dreaming of this for so long.

He pulled my up off the floor and pressed his lips hard against mine. I tangle my hands in his soft, messy hair and he wraps his arms around my waist. We don't break this kiss except for a split second when he whispers "jump". I jump and wrap my legs around his waist and the kiss gets deeper. I can feel the bulge in his crotch as I grind against him and moans escape from his lips, driving me mad and into sweet bliss. Before I knew it we were on the bed making out, hands roaming each others body, moans echoing throughout the room. Tonight was definitely going to be a good night

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