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"What's up? "
"Jake I think..."
" - Cmon spit it out!!!"
" I THINK I LIKE BOYS AND I THINK I LOVE YOU!" I blurt out all at once. Jake just stares back at me with those magical eyes with no expression on his face.

Tension was building in the air and things were starting to get awkward. We should have laughed it off and went to get a few pints by now, why wasn't anything happening?! I get up and make for the door, my hands trembling. I was never one for fear but in those moments I could feel my heart pounding and the imaginary lump in my throat growing as if trying to suffocate me. My legs were numb as I dragged them one foot after the other to the door. He hasn't even left the bed yet..maybe this was all a mistake. I left the room and closed the door softly before bounding to my room. I slammed the door shut and ran to my bed. I didn't dare cry. No Devil's Angel cries!! I hid under the blankets and stayed there till dawn.

As morning came I still hadn't moved, I would have missed breakfast and morning call by now and in about 10 more minutes I'm going to miss my daily run..Oh well..why should I care? I take out my phone and start scrolling through deathgram  (yes even demons have their social media) and looked up the news in the "mortal world" apparently dad said i had run away with a gang and kidnapped a few girls "he was a very troubled child", I read, anger bubbling inside as I forced myself to read on "he wasn't right in the head, his mother left when he was young and he was a very abusive child, always hitting and going for me, put me in this coma before he ran away. Must have done drugs or something". At that I threw the across the room, carefully aimed at a big cushion so I wouldn't smash it but that wasn't enough. I jumped up from bed roaring and tearing things from the walls and throwing chairs and flipping tables, screaming my head off. How could he do this?! How could these people seriously believe him?! My mind clouds and everything goes black. I wake up from the trance with my room trashed, two guys on the floor in front of my and four other guys on top of me holding me back, I yell once more in pure rage once more hoping that they'd get the hint and get off but no such luck. If anything they just put more weight on me and I just gave up trying to struggle free, what was the point anyway, I'm drained. They eventually got up and I stormed out, everything was numb but the flame of anger still burning bright in the back of my mind. 

It's time to start doing what I came down here for, time to start training for my revenge. The only reason I haven't started my mission was because of Jake but it's obvious how he feels about me. I can no longer keep my thirst for revenge for my father at bay, he must pay for everything he has done to me. He will regret all the pain he has put me through! I'm finished waiting around, training starts now and no one is gonna stop me from teaching my no good father a lesson. I'll beat him silly.

Pain and rage flows through me as I beat a punching bag, then a wave of  hurt as I remember Jake's face, I should have known he wouldn't feel the same, I'm nothing compared to Satan. He probably thinks I'm a freak now and if I'm being honest I've liked Jake for a while, I mean what's not to like and I guess I've known it for a while even if I won't admit it...I guess it's time I accept it.  That's what confession do to you...

Sorry it's so short guys hopefully there will be more in the next chapte. Poor Conor though

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