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I came back at midnight, making sure to knock at exactly midnight. I know how he doesn't like to be kept waiting but I didn't want to seem too desperate either. The loud knocks rung out through the empty hallway, echoing so loud you'd swear someone was trying to break in. No one woke though. Typical.

He opened the door slowly, eyeing me with those grey eyes before letting the door creak open and stepping to one side, letting me trudge through. The room had changed from this morning, it was no longer a mess of glass bottles and books it was now littered with paper and a big unmade bed sat in the middle of the room. Sheets turning yellow with dust and filth. He himself was in what I presume to be his pyjamas. He was wearing his dark blue robes covered in pale moons and stars with red slippers that were too big and a thin pale green piece of fabric that I guessed was his hat  I leaned against the rocky wall and waited for him to get everything he needed. He kept fleeting around grabbing this paper and that bottle, gathering them all in his arms and bundling them on the bed. He'd stop every few minutes when he forgot what he was looking for or ran out of breath, then he'd look over at me, stare at me for a few seconds then go back to rushing about.

About 20 long minutes later he stopped and beckoned me over with a long, wrinkled finger and rolled out a big blue piece of paper on the bed. It was completely blank though and I looked at him with confusion. Then he started picking up different bottles and viles and pouring them on the paper. This guy must be completely mad?! Every time I was taught magic we had to use a bowl or something, this stuff will just sink through the paper! I was about ready to walk out when something weird happened. Tbe paper flew up and exploded into red and blue flames. I jumped back and tried to pull the old man with me but he just stood there staring at the dancing fire. The pieces of paper fluttered down into a big bottle I hadn't notices before, he poured in another blue liquid and shook the mixture, corked it then handed it to me. He looked at me expectantly but my mind was blank. What was I meant to do?

Rolling his eyes he uncorked it and a strong sickly sweet smell wafted out until I started to feel woozy. I nearly fainted but he quickly put the Cork back on.
"THAT is what it does. Just pour some of this in their drinks or put it in a bomb and throw it their way and within seconds they'll be knocked out cold. The effects will wear off after about 5 hours but you should have plenty of time to kill them off by then. This will only work on angels and archangels, even some of your own soldiers so be sure to wear a mask."
He throws a few daggers, bow and arrows and swords on the bed, "you'll also need these, I covered them in holy water"

And that was that. Here are my weapons and my plan is slowly coming together now it was time to start plotting out MY plan. I gathered up all the weapons and the potion, taking mental note that the potion was in my left hand and not to let it drop. I piled them up in the corner of my room. I'll give them to Jake tomorrow. Now. Time for my plans.

I sprawled out on my bed and turned on the lamp on the big desk. I need  to think of a plan. Plotting...what should I do though...beat him? Kill him? Torture him?...I'll figure it out in the morning.
I closed my heavy eyes and let sleep overtake me, dreaming of Jake and how I could take revenge on the old man

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