ryan's p.o.v and he's just a mess

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Ryan had talked to Brendon here and there sense the confession. He absolutely refused to let Bren bring it up not just because it was embarrassing, but he didn't want to make their relationship sexual only.

It was winter break for the both of them and they'd come to the conclusion that they should finally meet.

Ryan parked in the mall's lot and sighed as he hesitated to go inside. He was contemplating whether he wore the right thing, if he sounded right in person, and his hair was parted perfectly. He pulled down the visor and flipped to look at himself in the mirror. He used his pinky to fix the smudged liner.

"Now or never, Ryan." He took a deep breath and got out of the car, but he mispredicted where the car frame was and bumped his head.

"Are you fucking serious?" He groaned holding his head. A small red bump forming where his fringe didn't cover. He hoped this wasn't a sign of how seeing Brendon would go.

Musicmanry: i'm here hope your day is going better than mine...
Musicmanry: see you at the food court

read @ 12:30

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