video ryan's p.o.v.

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Ryan was going to hit the skip button as soon as he saw Brendon, but this time he didn't. He had already ran into him a few times and was too scared to say anything. Now he had finally found the courage to stay.

He knew Brendon had no idea that this was him, the guy he was talking to on kik, due to the poor lighting that was hard to make out that he was the same guy in the picture he had sent. Ryan was glad for this because he honestly really liked this boy.

Brendon excused himself for a moment so he could remove his shirt for some odd reason that Ryan didn't care to question about because he didn't want him to put it back on. Ryan didn't care that that sounded odd because it's not like anyone could hear his thoughts right now.

"I have a question..." Brendon mumbled in a sweet soft voice, his cheeks become a soft pink. "Have you ever jerked on camera?" He quickly looked down at his lap.

Wait what? Ryan thought completely confused at where he was going with this. He cleared his throat sitting up straight, glad that his blush couldn't be seen.

"No, why?" He questioned trying his hardest to keep his cool, but how could when an attractive guy like Brendon was saying that to him.

"Could we do it? I don't know I just wanna will be fun." He shrugs with a cute giggle leaving his plump pink lips.

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