brendon's p.o.v

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It'd been a couple days after the 'session'. Brendon had texted Ryan a little hello.

Musicmanry is typing...

Brendon awaited eagerly for his response.


He'd stopped typing and Brendon was getting irritated. He just wanted to talk to him again sense it'd been awhile since they texted.

Musicmanry: I need to confess something

"Uh oh..." Brendon mumbled to himself figuring he was about to get told that he doesn't want to talk to him.

Musicmanry: on omegle the other day...that guy you...

Musicmanry is typing...

Brennyboi12: oHHHH that was you!
Brennyboi12: im
Brenbyboi12: why didn't you tell me!?

He crossed his arms unbelievably red with embarrassment.

Musicmanry: I don't know...sorry!
Musicmanry: I thought you should know...

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