Brennyboi12: heyo it's brendon from omegle c: idk if u even remember me
Brennyboi12: i showed u the song i wrote on youtube called first try
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Musicmanry: Hi! Of course I remember you. I couldn't forget a voice like yours
Brennyboi12: omg! i thought you forgot or just lied to me because you thought i sucked but didn't want to hurt my feelings
Musicmanry: Not at all! You've got talent trust me and not bad looks you could be a preformer. Also it took me a while because I was at a lesson.
Brennyboi12: oh that's okay! sorry i get self concious easily i could sing and post videos just not in person
Brennyboi12: just sitting there waiting for your response on my video got me all shaking thinking about what u'd say
Musicmanry: Aw I'm sorry, I didn't know I was making you that nervous. Let me tell you know I will never be mean at all. If anything it will all be positive advice.
Brennyboi12: thank u sooo much
read @ 7:43 pm
Musicmanry is typing...
Brennyboi12: we should send pictures of each other?
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Musicmanry: Like I said before you are a looker unlike myself
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Brennyboi12: u lie way too much ry u look fucking gr8 (;
read @ 7:54 pm
Brennyboi12: im sorry i didnt mean to come off as weird