im winging this

227 9 2

It'd been days sense Ryan messaged Brendon. It's not that he didn't want to, but rather he couldn't.

So it happens that Spencer's parents were in a car accident that day. They flipped over and over until endinv up right into a parking lot. His mother was killed on impact and his father was in a coma.

Spencer wasn't the same and Ryan couldn't leave his best friend in this situation alone. Neither them had gotten any sleep sense the crash. He wanted to be there the second his father awoke which didn't seem like anytime soon.

Ryan was sitting in the stiff hospital chair as Spencer's cheek rested against his arm. They'd given him some medicine to help him sleep. It was the only way to get him to. Ryan already his nap and now it was Spence's turn.

Now he could finally look at his phone sense all he needed to do was wake Spence up if his dad showed any signs of movement.

  56 messages from brennyboi12

Ryan sure wasn't going to read them all (nor am i listing them because I'm not that fucking crazy). He skimmed through them which first consisted of Brendon thinking that the 'date' had went horrible wrong and he apologized repeatedly.

Musicmanry: hey

Brennyboi12 is typing...

Brendonboi12: wHAT THAT'S WHAT I GET???
Brennyboi12: I have been waiting WHAT LIKE 5 DAYS

Musicmanry is typing...

Brennyboi12: I was worried sick and I cried myself to sleep...i thought you hated me and I ruined everything between us. What's going on?
Brennyboi12: you have some explaining sir
Brennyboi12: please i like you... 🙁

Musicmanry: the date was great Brendon, I just had to deal with some personal issues. My friend's parents got into a car accident and I had to block out the rest of the world to help him. I didn't mean to make you freak out. Honest.
Musicmanry: i like you too

Ryan wasn't expecting to have someone worry so much over his absence. In all honesty he kinda forget about Brendon. He was just too distracted with his best friend. Now looking back though he felt pretty damn guilty.

The date though was great and he wished he could have kept in contact more frequently instead of going MIA.  He hoped Brendon understood. He'd never intentionally do something that cruel.

Musicmanry: wait you cried? Damn I'm a real dick...please forgive me...I won't do that again with out explanation.

Brennyboi12: i'm not a baby!
Brennyboi12: i just get worried...but okay. Thanks for telling me...sorry for being pushy. I forgive you for sure!!

Author not:
That was a train wreck of sucks. Well I'm sorry updating took longer than I had anticipated. I've just been stuck on reading Throam (the heart rate of a mouse) check it out if you haven't you can find a copy on the internet if you just search it. Anyway feedback would be lovely on this. Thanks!

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