Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jane's POV

I have never felt more rage then in this moment, my family slaughtered, my home taken, and the last two remaining things I care about were in danger. We had waited for Alex to return, we waited all night, and she never came.

I tried to tell myself I wasn't to late, that at any moment she would walk through that door and I would hold her in my arms. She never came... I knew now that soon she would be killed, and I would do anything to stop it.

I wouldn't be alone on this mission, the Cullens and their guard dogs would be going, since their pack member had been taken. I doubted the wolf's survival, but if it would help me get to Alex, I'd take any help I could get.

Right now we were on our way to the castle, somewhere in me I hoped that my brother and Felix had survived, somehow...

Alex's POV

It was a moment you would see in any movie, prisoners waiting to be execute, time was short and tense. My heart was beating faster than ever, I didn't want to die, this was all so surreal to me. In my mind as I grew up, my life was perfect. I was hidden from the dangers if the world by my family and protected from the truth. Now that my protection was gone, I could see the truth. I might not want to die, but I wasn't afraid to die, I wouldn't give my captors the satisfaction of hearing me scream in agony as they ripped me to shreds.

I wanted them to kill me first, I knew it was selfish, but I didn't want to see them die. On the contrary, I wanted to see the people who killed my family die.


I wanted to kill them, to watch as they burned and laugh as they screamed. I wanted them to regret the day the stepped foot into of home. I was pulled from my morbid thoughts as the dungeon door was pulled open.

Felix hissed as a man cloaked in black entered the room, I couldn't make out any of his features under his hood. The cloaked figure did not approach me, nor Felix, but did head directly for Seth. My body tensed as they landed a hard kick in his side, Seth cried out in pain, his eyes flying open.

He was kicked again as I shouted at his assailant,"Stop it! Please!"

The cloaked figure turned with amazing speed, to face me. They got extremely close to my face and moved until they're lips were at me ear.

The voice that spoke to me wasn't at all what I had expected, I knew the voice.

"I'm sorry."

My entire body was now flailing, my hands tried with all their might to brake their bindings, I kicked out, hoping to strike them. "How could you! You betray us! My mother trusted you! We all trusted you!"

They were quick to get out of my way, the door opened again to reveal another cloaked figure, this one though had his face revealed and stared at me with chilling crimson eyes. He laughed,"What is wrong little child... Are you angry?" I growled at him, barring my teeth, he ran a hand through his messy white-blonde hair. "It is time, my brother wants to play a game. Unchain them, it's time to play hide and seek." I shivered as he spoke, my eyes going to Seth as the vampire began unchaining him, he was far to weak to change.

When the chains left was wrists, bloody rings were left behind, he stayed very still and didn't even look up. They moved to me and Felix next, when I was freed, I ran straight to Seth's side and got over him protectively.

Felix was beside me in a moment, a snarl leaving his lips as yet another vampire entered.

"Vladamir! Stephan!" He growled, addressing the pale blonde and a dark headed one who just entered, he didn't even glance at the one who'd betrayed us. "We burned you both to ashes!"

Stephan's gaze suddenly became extremely serious,"Your threw our bodies into the flames- but in your hurry to celebrate you paid no mind as we drug our charred corpses from the fire and into the woods. It took a long time to regain our power but now we stand before you as your conquerors."
He stood proudly above us, his brother laughed,"Who would ever think that a few inspirational words and the promise of revenge would be what ridded the world of the Volturi..."

I gulped as they chuckled, Stephan sighed,"Let us begin."

Vladimir chuckled,"You have 5 minutes to run dearies!"

The third cloaked figure faced him,"You said you wouldn't harm the children!"

Vladimir snorted,"Plans have changed my dear!"

"No! You promised! I only wanted revenge on he werewolves!"

Stephan stepped in,"That is quite enough, you will be silent and go along with the plan or die with them!"

It was silent, Stephan ran off, Vlad and the other vampire were about to leave when I cried out.


They both stopped, bloody tears drizzled down my face,"Irina please!

She was frozen, her hands lowered her hood, showing her saddened golden eyes.

"I am sorry Alexis..."

I sniffled,"Please... Don't let them kill us Irina..."

She closed her eyes tightly, her fists clenched, and suddenly her face went blank, free of emotion. They both disappeared, and the countdown started.


Yay! I know this one was short, but I hope it was good! Comment, vote, and follow me :) I'll update after I get some feedback

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