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This is set pre-Klaine and all the ND girls are having a sleepover at Kurts house! So what will there reactions be when Blaine is there with them knowing about Kurts crush on him?
Read on to find out!

kurts p.o.v

There was a nock on the door signaling it was 'cedese and the girls. I haven't told them about Blaine coming around so i hope that they're okay with it.

So i walked up the stairs from my basment opend the door and to my suprise it was Blaine! But i thought i was suppose to pick him up oh i'll just ask him. "Hey Blaine how did you get here i thought i was gonna pick you up? You didn't walk did you?"

"Oh no um i asked my dad because i know how far away Dalton is and i dont want you to leave your freinds here alone! Anyway lets go meet 'em!" Blaine spoke with his rich voice that i could listen to ALL day and his charming smile that i could just attack with my lips at any minute now. Oh shit i forgot to reply. "Well you're a bit early so we can just go hang out down stairs if you want?" i asked him
"Sure!" he replyed and i stepped aside to let him in.

"Here let me take your coat." i said and he gave it to me and said "why thank you kind sir." in a posh english accent. I started to giggle at the comment that quickly escalated to laughter!
I bumped elbows with him slightly and dragged him down the stairs as soon as he saw my bed he jumped on it.

"Blaine get your fat ass of my bed right now!" i said trying to push him off but failing.
"Oh come on Kurtie! Just lay down with me for a bit?" he said with a fake pout but there was a nock on the door. "Sorry but i got to go get that see ya in a fue." i said as i left the room. Then i ran up the stairs opend the door and saw all the girls that i'd missed so much! "'Cedes!" i squeld and hugged her and we all had a group hug while squealing from the door way.

Once i took all there coats and bags we went downstairs and Blaine was still on my bed layer there doing something on his phone
"BOO WHO THE HELL IS THIS!?" Mercedes asked
"Girls this is Blaine my freind from Dalton." i said with an enphesis on Blaine name. A nowing look all showed on their faces except Brittney who just looked confused.

"Hey guys! Im Blaine! Whats your name?" he asked really happy.
"Well im Santana but you can call me what ever you want!" she said with a wink.
"Cool but not on your team!" Blaine said still smiling
"Im Rachel and i heard that you've got a great voice!" Rachel said "nice name!" Blaine said and i swear i could see Rachel blush a little.

"Right lets just hurry this up! That's Santana, Britt, Tina, Rachel, Quinn and my top Boo 'Cedes!" i said with a smile.

"Very nice to meet you all!" Blaine said in that voice again and i started my laughing fit all over again! I noticed Blaine was also laughing and then he picked me up and threw me on my bed! Then he CRAWLED on top of me and i started freaking out! He then looked in my eyes and it seemed as if time had stopped. But the moment was ruined by sanatana shouting "wanking!" Me and Blaine both jumped and Blaine got off of me. "So ladies what shall we do?" i asked.

"Make over!" Rachel squealed "NO!" we all shouted back. "I think we should watch high school musical!" Blaine said with a weird amount of excitment "Blaine why would we do that?" i questioned him. "2 words Hummel, 2 words." he said "and what are they?" i asked "ZAC EFFRON!"

"Ummmmm ok!" i said after a while and all the girls agread except Santnana  who just kept saying things like "no way!" and "if you put this on i will go all lima hights on your ass'!" but she gave up after a while.

--------- 2 Movies finished-------

"Well ladies and Blaine get in your sleeping bag!" i shouted once we finished high school musical 1 and 2.

They all got in there sleeping bags and i turned out the lights "good night to all and to all a good night!" Blaine shouted "Blaine your not santa!" i said to him "You have no proof!" Blaine said back and i giggled a bit at his randomness.

After a while everyone was asleep but me. I couldn't stop thinking that Blaine was sleeping in MY room i was just so happy. After a while though i did fall asleep thinking sweet dreams about Blaine.

---------the next morning--------

I woke up because i felt a weight shift on my bed.
"BLAINE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" i whisper shouted as i saw Blaine laying next to me.

"Kurt i need to tell you something." he said with a serious look on his face and i nodded as to tell him to go on. "Well Kurt i like you more then as a freind and i hope you do to." Blaine spoke with a soft voice and it took a moment for me to register what he just said.

Then i realised i havn't responded so i said "Blaine you dont know how long i've waited for yoj to say that!" then i grabbed his face and pulled him in to a kiss after a moment i felt him kiss back with as mich passion.

I felt him lick my bottom lip asking for entrance and i gave it to him willingly and then i crawled on top of him and straddled his waist. As his tongue explored my mouth i let out a load moan.

I didn't mean to its just that Blaine felt so good in my mouth. Then all of a sudden a very angry sounding Mercedes shouted "KURT!"

Second chpter down whoo! I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter please leave a suggestion if you want!

peace out xx ✌✌

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