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This is set when Kurt and Blaine where in McKinley and Kurt was getting bullied.
One day in the cafiteria Kurt is getting food thrown at him how will Blaine react?

--------------3rd person------------

"Hey babe you coming for lunch?" Blaine asked Kurt as he walked up to his locker.
"Yeeeeep!" Kurt replied as he put his stuff away in his locker. Him and Blaine linked hands and walked down the empty hall to the cafiteria.

Once they entered they couldn't see the glee table anywhere so the two of them just sat at a table together, alone. "SHOOT! Ummm baby i left my lunch in my locker, i'm gonna go get it see you in a fue!" Blaine said and quickly kissed Kurt on the cheek before he left.

Once Blaine was gone Kurt was just sat there all alone eating his lunch in peace when he felt something hit his head. He looked down and saw a peice of flap jack on the floor he looked around at all diffrent tables untill his eyes fell on the football (minus the glee footballers) table. They were all looking his way and snickering.

Then another piece hit him in his chest. Kurt didn't know what to do, he didn't have the courage to tell them to stop so he just sat there and let little bits of food hit him.

Every now and then he would look over and see the boys laughing at him. Then just as one hit his head he heard a yell. He turned his head just like everyone else and saw Blaine. He looked more pissed off then ever.

He stormed over to Karofsky's table grabbed him by his Letterman jackets collar picked him up and yelled in his face "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN THROW THAT STUFF AT MY BOYFREIND?" Blaine waited a couple of seconds then when Karofsky didn't answer he yelled "WELL YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! DO YOU HAVE AN ANSWER?" Blaine asked. Then Karofsky nodded and said "yeah, i do it's because he's a fag!" as soon as he said that Blaine punched him straight in the face.

That's when Kurt new he had to do something so he did. He marched up to Blaine and pulled him by the collar to the nearest empty classroom. "Why did you jusy do that!?" Kurt asked. "He was throwing food at you then called you a fag what was I suppose to do just walk away!?" Blaine replied getting more angry then Kurt had ever seen him. "No, and i'm truly greatfull that you diffended my honor, but its alright." Kurt spoke in a soft voice. "IT'S ALRIGHT? NO ITS NOT ALRIGHT! IT'S WRONG! TELL ME HOW THIS IS ALRIGHT?" Blaine shouted clearly enraged.

"Blaine hun calm down, it's alright because in a fue years they wont matter. The only thing that will matter to me is you, so let them throw food at me just don't get yourself in trouble for it ok?" Kurt asked in a calming voice. "Ok lets go get some lunch." Blaine replied in a much softer tone.

"Not yet. I want you to kiss me first." Kurt said with a grin on his face. "Ok if i must!" Blaine spoke with in a fake board voice. Then the two of them leaned and the minute there lips touched Kurt saw the fireworks he sees everytime he kisses Blaine. It was a short kiss but it was filled with so much love and passion.

They pulled away and reasted there forheads together "I love you Blainey. Now lets get some lunch im hungry." Kurt said while looking into Blaines honey hazel eyes. "I love you too Kurtie. Lets go." Blaine said also looking in to Kurts sea blue eyes.

Blaine took Kurts hand in his and together they walked down to the cafiteria and sat down. Every now and then Blaine would glare at the football team. But Blaine stayed with Kurt, and it stayed this way forever. Blaine and Kurt being together fearlessly and forever.

A/N so guys this one was based off of something that happend to me but it didn't finish the way this one did it finished with them running out of food and then me walking away.

But just as my freind told me Kurt got threw it and so can I. So i hiped you liked it leave a comment if you did.

Peace out! ✌✌

Klaine Klaine and a bit more Klaine! (Klaine one shot fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now