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In this one Blaine is a boxer and Kurt has come to his match! Klaine has already happend!

--------------Kurts POV--------------

Today is the day i go and see Blaine fight for the first time. I am worried sick, i don't want to go and see my boyfreind getting hurt, but i promised him i would go. I said Finn can come to because he's a HUGE fan of Blaines.

"Finn get your ass down here or we'll be late!" i shouted up the stairs. "Grilled cheesus i'm coming! For someone who didn't want to go you seem very eager to get there!" Finn said with a sigh at the end. With a roll of my eyes i pushed him out the house.

Once i locked up i jumped in the car and started driving. "whoa dude are you okay? Your fingers are tapping like crazy!" Finn said and to my suprise my fingers where druming on the steering wheel at like 100mph.

"I'm fine just a bit worried." i replyed. I may have been a bit more then worried but oh well. "Dude don't be worried ok? Blaines a great fighter!" Finn said in a calming voice. "Ok i'll try not to worry." i said back and forced a smile onto my face.

It took about 15 minutes to get there and once we were there we had to go straight to our seats or we would miss it.

Me and Finn sat down on the front row and talked about random stuff untill we heard the anouncer shout. "Here comes BLAINE ANDERSON!" then from a door in the back Blaine came running down and the crowd cheered like crazy. He was just in his shorts and i must say he looked really hot!

He looked around and once his eyes landed on me a massive smile found its way to both our faces. He winked at me and jumped into the ring.

"And here comes DAVE KAROFSKY!" The announcer yelled and this Dave Karofsky who ever he is came running down, he had a top on as well and thank god because i do not want to see him shirtless. There was alot of booing but some cheering. Finn was booing really load in my ear, he clearly dose not like Dave.

Once Dave jumped into the ring a women in a bikini came on holding a big peice of white cardboard with the number '1' on it. She walked around the whole ring and then walked of. Once she was of a bell rang twice, and Blaine and Dave got into a punching position. Dave swung first but Blaine doged it because he was so small.

Then Blaine swung at dave and got him right in the face.

-------------1 fight later-------------

There was cheering all around me as Blaine ran around the ring jumping up and down. He had won of course and i couldn't have been prouder. Then out of no where Blaine jumped out the ring came down to where i was sat grabbed my hand, pulled me up and kissed me.

Once this took place the cheering got louder but i could barley hear it. I kissed Blaine back and about a minute after, he pulled away and shouted "Everyone this is my boyfreind Kurt!" and the cheering got louder.

A/N well i finally updated an accually oneshot! I really like this one!

Oh also if you want to put a suggestion in tge commenta about one i could do that would be great because i alway want people to enjoy what i write about so yeah!

Peace out ✌✌

Klaine Klaine and a bit more Klaine! (Klaine one shot fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now