chapter 37

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Chapter 37

That night in our. hotel room I could barely sleep. I was so excited about the fact I was pregnant. I was also pretty nervous; I mean my parents raised me well but they don't accept my husband. I could not do the same with my own child. Also will I be a good mother? Could I look after a child? I knew Chord was going to be there for me as he was pretty excited too. I could tell he wanted a big family and to be honest I did too. I grew up with no brothers or sisters and sometimes it got pretty lonely.

The next morning once I did get a few hours' sleep Chord woke me by kissing my lips then kissing my stomach.

"I know the baby won't be able to tell or anything, but I just wanted to wish he or she a good morning." He said with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders.

"You're so cute, its things like this that make me love you even more. We still have to go to the doctors thought to make sure I am actually pregnant. But I just think I know I am." I said kissing his cheek. I got out of bed and changed. "Chord baby" he looked up from the television for a moment "I am just going to tell Freya. I mean I know she might be a bit hung-over but she told me to tell her no matter what. Love you" I left the hotel room and took the lift up to the top floor where Freya was staying. I walked down the long corridor until I finally got to her room.

I knocked and shouted "Are you two decent? If I come in there will I see any nakedness that might distress me... or the baby?" I shouted through the door. I soon as I said baby the door was flung open to see Freya wearing Harry's shirt and her hair messed up.

"Really you're pregnant?" she asked with a huge smile gracing her face. I nodded and she gripped me in a tight hug. "Oh my god you're pregnant. You're having a mini Sophie or a mini Chord!" I burst out laughing and released myself from the hug. "Do you want to come in?"

"No its fine, you have to go for your honeymoon! Anyway I am trying to book an appointment at the hospital to check so I will see you later." I was about to walk away when I heard Harry shout to tell me now. "Tell me what?" I asked confused.

"Well Harry and the one direction boys have been asked to do some stuff in America so we are moving to LA... For a year!" she said with a massive smile.

"Really you moving to LA?" she nodded "Oh you are going to love it! Anyway we will talk more when you get back but I will be in LA at the time so we will Skype. Have a happy honeymoon!" I said then excused myself and walked away. When I got back to the room I found Chord dressed and sat on the sofa.

"Hey baby I booked an appointment at the hospital. Also I was wondering how would you feel about buying a bigger home once we get back to LA?" he asked me sheepishly.

"Thanks baby and that's a great idea. I mean I love the apartment but it would be great to get a proper house that's safe for the baby, with a big garden and maybe even a pool." I said going in to dream world but was sharply pulled back out by morning sickness. I ran quickly to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Chord came in behind me and held my hair back which I found very sweet.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few days later

When we arrived back in LA, after confirming that I was pregnant, we went house hunting straight away. We looked online first and we finally did find our perfect house. It was a large house in a friendly street. It was close to the local high school and was in a very friendly neighbourhood. When we found the house online we booked an appointment straight away to look around the house.

We got the appointment the next day and I was so excited. The house was perfect. It was a newly built house which just went on the market. With 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a pool and a very large back garden it was perfect. There was fencing around the front and back with gates out front. We even meet the neighbours that day who were very friendly. The moment we saw the house I think we decided we were going to buy it. To add to the house it was equipped with furniture that not only fitted the houses style but ours too. We bought the house almost straight away with Chord putting in a deposit. We went home that night after buying packing things like boxes and bubble wrap.

The next morning we started packing and didn't stop until late afternoon. We packed everything from clothes to photo graphs. We were going to take everything apart from the big furniture since we didn't need it as the new house had all. All we were taking that was remotely big was Chord gym equipment and musical instruments.

Today we were standing outside our newly bought house with all our boxes inside. The apartment got sold quickly and we moved out almost straight away. Cory, Mark, Harry, Freya, Lea, Dianna, Heather and Taylor, who has now moved to LA because of work reasons and the fact he and Heather had started a relationship, were all standing outside our new house. Everyone apart from Cory and I had glasses of champagne; we had orange juice. They were all helping us move in and then we were going to order take out and watch movies.

"Okay I just want to thank all you guys for helping us with this today, I don't know what I would do without you guys. You are my extended family and I love you guys dearly. So cheers!" I said raising my drink which the others did too. We then group hugged and everyone went inside apart from Chord and I.

"Okay this is the start of our new life baby. I love you so much" He said gripping me in a tight bear hug.

"The start of something new, oh god I'm quoting high school musical" I said which made Chord laugh. "I will love you forever and always, it will be me and you against the world." I said then I gave him a passionate kiss. Someone shouted from inside to come in and help. It was probably Freya. Freya was very cranky after a short honeymoon since Harry had to get back soon for work. They were going to have a longer honeymoon later in the year. She was also still jet lagged. We walked up the path to the new house and Chord picked me up in a bridal hold. We walked inside and then helped. It would always be my extended family, my baby, Chord and I in a world of our own.

The end

AN. Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story and there will be a sequel during Sophie's pregnancy and the first few months of the baby's life. I would like to thank anyone who has stuck with this story! I also want to thank Freya otherwise known as thethe1DInfections, check her out for some great one direction stories, for giving me some great ideas. Overall just thanks again and new stories will be up soon.

Sophie xx

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