I Just Wanna...

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(A/N): Oh my gosh, you guys! Thank you so much for over 200 reads! I appreciate all of you guys' support!

(Y/N) POV:

They started softly at first. Giving me a small amount of time to work through my head what was happening. I felt my cheeks tint pink as he pecked my lips over and over. I hooked one of my fingers around his thick, gold chain necklace and pulled him down to my eye level. I kissed him softly, but not for long. We both couldn't be soft for long. Before I knew it, I had my hands gripped tightly on the front of his shirt as his pulled on my hair. It was all rough and passionate from there.

I opened the door to my room and we awkwardly staggered onto my bed. I knew where we were heading and I pulled his body onto mine. As rough kissed moved to dry humping, he pushed away.

"No, no, no," he said softly, out of breath, "not tonight okay baby boy? I promise soon, but we have to work tomorrow and once I get started with you I may not let you go." He stated with a wink.

The disappointment in my face was evident, as he reached down to give me a few more soft kisses on my mouth and neck.

"I'll stay here tonight, how about that? Okay, baby?" he cooed, so very unlike him. He then leaned down and bit my lip hard, there he is. "Would you like that?"

"Please..." I said softly, I was desperate with any contact with him at this point. We stripped down to our underwear and curled up with each other on my bed. I tried to keep my distance, giving him room to spread out, but as soon as I settled in, he dragged me back to him. Placing my rear right on his crotch and his chest to my back, he curled around my body. Locking me the grip of his muscular form. Not that I minded at all.

He trailed more kissed, some soft, some...not so much, before nipping at my ear. We stayed like this until we fell asleep. It was comfortable and invigorating all at the same time. I felt myself drifting off to the sound of his breath on my neck.

*Time Skip to Next Morning*

When I woke, I found nothing but cold sheets next to me. I sat up confused as I drowsily groped around for J's self. He was no where to be seen, in his place sat a neatly folded letter:

Dear (Y/N),

Had to go plan a job. Meet me downstairs when you wake.


I stood up and let out a yelp as my feet met the cold ground. I didn't bother putting on real clothes. I stayed in my underwear, slipping on my thigh highs, and the sheer dress shirt J had left behind and headed downstairs.

(Joker's) POV:

I turned my head when I heard (Y/N) pad down the stairs. He looked irresistible in my dress shirt. It was unbuttoned and sheer, giving me a delicious view. It took all I could not to pounce on his immediately. I bit my lip and motioned to him to come sit with me. I grabbed his waist and placed him on my lap.

(Y/N) POV:

His strong hands sat me down firmly on his lap. I was sat straddling him, his hands pressing on the small of my back. He buried his face into my neck and nipped and sucked softly.

"Good morning, baby boy." he growled. I let out a purr of pleasure in response.

"What are we doing today, J?" I asked groggily.
"Well, I thought we could have a little fun. Go get dressed, we're going out." he said in his demanding tone before placing a kiss on my nose.

I walked upstairs and got dressed, I decided to just wear J's shirt, some black shorts, and some garters with my thigh highs. After getting dressed and cleaning up I walked back downstairs. J greeted me and walked me to his car, resting his hand on my thigh, once again. I felt excitement bubble in my stomach as I wondered where we were going.

"J, where are we going?" I asked eagerly.

"We're going to one of my warehouses. There's a shooting range of sorts there, if you're going to work with me I need to see how you handle different guns."

I felt my heart flip. I love shooting. Getting to shoot with J was going to be amazing. We arrived at a large, grey warehouse. It was dimly lit inside and he lead me to a large, concrete room. There are various objects placed at different heights and distances from where he had instructed me to stand.

It was quite fun, shooting again. I hadn't done it since my test and I had missed it so very much. The feel, the smell, the power, everything. After I had shot with all the guns on the table, J handed me one more. His. He placed his hands on my hips and leaned down to whisper in my ear as I held it.

"Go on, baby. Show me what you can do with it." He whispered softly, running his hands up and down my sides. I shot it once, twice, three times before he let out a soft groan. He rubbed his front on me softly. The growing bulge in his pants getting more apparent as he spoke roughly, "Again. Shoot it again."

I shot out another bullet and he ground against me rougher than before. He pulled me to one of the concrete wall and pinned me to it.

"You have no idea how bad I want to fuck you right now. Wanna bend you over and fill you with my cock. It's a shame I have to wait. I don't have enough time to..." He trailed off, raking over my body with his eyes. "C'mon babe, lets go." With that, he dropped me wrists and walked out of the room, leaving me hard and desperate.

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