Stay with Me

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(A/N): Oh my gosh! 2 updated in 3 days?! I'm on a roll. Thank you so much for 3k!! I hope you enjoy!

(Y/N) POV:

Things I love about J: his lips always taste metallic, he smells of gunpowder and overpriced cologne, his growls, the feeling of his rings against my skin. J was intoxicating, completely and utterly so. We had plans tonight, good ol' Bruce Wayne was throwing a little party that of course we planned on going to. What's a party without Gotham's kings? It was a masquerade ball, cliche as hell, I know. But lord knows J is a sucker for dramatics.

The plan was simple, have a good time, distract Batsy, sneak off, and take some good shit. J and I had reviewed the layout of his home one, maybe two hundred times. As the night arrived we got dressed and headed out. (your outfit Displayed Below) Before I got into the car to leave, J pressed me against it, sliding my body upwards so  I was sat on the hood. I looked up at him, past our masks, and reached up to grab a handful of his gorgeous green hair. I pulled his face down level to my own and pressed hard, quick pecks onto his cherry lips.

"C'mon sugar," I said softly, brushing my lips against his as I spoke, "we don't want to be late, now, do we?" I pushed him to the side and got into the passengers seat

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"C'mon sugar," I said softly, brushing my lips against his as I spoke, "we don't want to be late, now, do we?" I pushed him to the side and got into the passengers seat.

When we arrived, the mansion Batsy called home was already filling with people. Some women dressed in elegant lace gowns, while others were wrapped in such tight fitting garments you could practically smell their arousal at the thought of being at just a 'life-changing' event. J tangled his fingers into mine as we walked toward the front doors,.

"You have your weapons right, darlin'?" He whispered into my ear.

"Naturally." I replied, a devilish grin meeting both our faces.

Hell, if I thought the parking was crowded, it was nothing compared to this. Men all in designer suits with designer girls glued to their hips. J and I walked hand in hand to the bar, we both got our drinks and found a long, crescent-shaped couch to sit in. The white leather was quite tacky in my opinion but alas, I couldn't spend the night judging Batsy' decor. We had better things to do.

After we had finished out drinks, J stood and held his hand out to me. I stared confused, unsure of what he was insinuating. He rolled his eyes dramatically before pulling me up against himself.

"Dance with me, baby." I felt my cheeks go red. I typically don't dance much and I definitely have never danced with J, but who was I to deny his request. I pecked his cheek and he led me to dance floor.

Our bodies were pressed softly together. Our noses brushed together and we both had ear to ear smiles on. We'd bump into another couple and let out giggles. We spent a good while messing around, on the slower songs I stood on his feet, my face buried in the crook of his neck. As the large clock on the wall struck ten, J and I both knew the plan was a go. I scanned the room for Batsy, and what do you know? He wasn't that far from us on the dance floor, looking like a lost puppy at his own party. I placed a rough kiss on J's lips using my own temporarily metal coated teeth to tug on his bottom lip.

"Wish me luck, J. Be safe, I'll meet you in 15 minutes."

"Of course, baby. I'll stay here for another 10. Keep an eye on you and him. We'll only be apart 5 minutes darling." I gave him one last kiss and walked over the Batsy slowly.

"Well, well, well," I said, in a teasing voice, "what do we have here? Why so lonely sugar?

He glanced down at my small stature and apparently verified me as someone who wasn't a threat. A mistake, an irritating one too. Always with the size!

He let out a small grunt before he spoke,

"I'm not typically a party person."

I giggled, curiosity filling my mind.

"All this and you don't like parties? Why throw one then, silly?"

"I uh, I don't know." he dropped his head, a pink tint hitting his cheeks. I reached out and grabbed his wrist,

"Dance with me, sugar?" He followed, giving in to the fake charm.

At first it was a simple dance. We swayed together, I kept my most dazzling smile on, but he began to get more and more aggressive with me. His hands landed tightly on my hips as the music sped up. I felt the obvious growth in his pants and felt anger bubble in my stomach as he tried to press his body onto my own.

Over his shoulder, I saw the same anger on J's face, his much more obvious in his icy eyes. After ten minutes he stalked off, clearly pissed. After another five minutes of trying to dodge Batsy's...erm...problem?? I excused myself to the restroom.

I dashed quickly down the empty hallway and pranced into the agreed upon meeting spot. J was in the room, one hand clutching a bag full of goods, the other pinching the ridge of his nose. His eyes were furrowed shut, I approached with caution.

"J? Baby?"

"He touched you." He said, his voice muffled under his hand.


He removed his hand from his face, "He fucking touched you, (Y/N)!" he spat roughly. He stood and grabbed my hips and pressed me against the wall. His hands digging into my hipbones, I knew bruises would follow. We pulled off our masks and pressed our lips together roughly. He panted angrily against my neck as he searched for the right words.

"My baby boy. My princess. Mine. He had no right. He'll pay."

"Aw, c'mere baby." I cooed, "You know no one but you makes me feel good. C'mon, let's go home, okay?" I pressed my lips to his collarbone and he melted into my hands. I stayed against the wall as J walked back to the chair to grab the bag.

In a time frame of maybe ten seconds, everything went crazy. An obviously scared man ran in, a gun raised.

"J, LOOK OUT!" I screamed, running towards the man as he ran towards J. Before I could reach him, he pulled the trigger. We both did. By the time the bullet had buried itself in J's shoulder, the man's body had crumpled on the floor.

J had collapsed on the floor his hand clutching his shoulder, growls of pain leaving his lips. I knew we had to ask fast. Gunfire isn't exactly going to go unnoticed and the king's of Gotham in Batman's house with a bag of goodies wasn't a squeaky clean image. I wrapped J's good arm around my shoulder, shoved the bag in one of the giant pockets inside J's jacket and began to lead him to the window. Lucky we were on the first floor. After I coaxed him out, careful not to hit the wound, I hopped out, tucked myself under his arm again and led him to the passengers side door. I got him in the car just as he began to lose consciousness.

"Ah, shit! J! J, baby! You gotta stay awake for me okay?!" I shouted, beginning to panic. As I spoke my hands were fumbling with the buttons on my shirt, finally, seething with frustration I ripped the shirt open, snapping most of the buttons off. I crumpled it into a tight ball and made J hold it onto his bloody arm.

About halfway home J blacked out.

"J! C'mon, baby, we're almost home! Stay with me!"

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