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(A/N): Over 500 reads?! You guys are amazing! I'm glad you guys enjoy my writing. Much love!

(Y/N) POV:

I have come to the realization that I am utterly infatuated with J. He was just so intoxicating. When we had returned to the car he told me we were going to rob a bank the next day. I felt a grin spread across my face.

I was dressed in tight black clothing. I felt it was appropriate for a robbery. J was in his typical formal wear, his toned chest exposed.

He noticed I was staring and shot me a smirk. We headed to the Gotham Bank quickly. No time to waste when getting money. We arrived, his men right behind us in a white van. It all went smoothly in the beginning. I shot at the ceiling to gather everyone's attention, demanded they all sat on the floor, and placed my gun on the forehead of one of the tellers. She was wearing a tan pantsuit. Her cappuccino colored hair was slicked back into a perfect bun. Her mascara ran as panicked tears rolled down her high cheekbones.

"Come now, my darling," I cooed softly, "I won't hurt you. Just get me as much cash as you can fit in the bag and you'll be just fine. Can you do that doll?" I said everything soft. Comforting her so she'd make this easier. She gave me a quick nod and handed me stack after stack of bills. When my bag was full I turned to see where the rest of the team was. J was stomping someones face in, which was totally unnecessary, but it was J we were talking about. Even considering the fact he was actually crushing a man's skull in, he looked stunning. His usually neat hair was strewn into his face. He messily raked his finger's through it, just improving it further. He looked up at me and my bag of cash and motioned me over to him.

I ran over to him and jumped into his open arms. I let a giggle leave my lips as I settled comfortable wrapped around his hips. He pressed a kiss on my lips as I dug my fingers through his hair. He pulled me away and we walked out of the bank. The job had been easy. Containing myself around J was hard. I just liked touching him in general. To feel his skin against mine. It was...bliss. When we reached his car he kissed me again. Rougher than before, I was pressed against the car and his hand was pressed against my hip. When he pulled away he spoke in a smooth, soft tone.

"C'mon, lets go home baby." He opened my car door for me and a slid in. When we arrived to the house, he took my hand and led me to his office. He took me to his safe and motioned for me to empty the bag into it. Silently slipping a few stacks into my pants when J wasn't looking. Hey, money is money. Lord knows how much my cut would've been anyways. I stood up and walked back to my room, J looking after me.

I returned to my room, shoved the money into my pillowcase, and grabbed some pajamas. I walked to my bathroom, and went to fill the tub. I dug out a bath bomb, some bubble soap, and candles. There was nothing like a relaxing bath after a successful robbery. The only bath bombs stocked in the bathroom were purple and green (go figure). Sometimes J could be so full of himself. I inhaled deeply, letting the fruity scent of the bath bomb overcome my senses. I closed my eyes and relaxed my body.

After the water began to cool I stepped out of the bath. Dried myself off, applied some lotion and but on some pajamas. I slipped on some black women's panties. They're so comfy! Afterward I slipped on a large t-shirt and walked out of the steam filled bathroom. I walked out of my room, searching for J. I found him in his office, leaning on a table, planning something with his guards. I walked over, pressed my front to his back, and snaked my arms around his neck.

He glanced over his shoulder and I pecked his lips softly.

"Not now baby," he whispered, "Daddy's busy. Go wait in my room, okay?" I pouted, but let my grip on him fall. I planted a kiss on his jaw before walking to his bedroom. I'd never been in his room, but when I opened the door, it was breathtaking. The giant bed was covered with deep purple silk blankets. His room was larger than mine, and darker. It was gorgeous and sexy. One corner had a black pole from floor to ceiling, and in the back corner, there was a sleek black door. I felt attracted to it immediately. It was locked, to my discouragement, but I knew better than to pick the lock. I jumped onto the large bed, I curled up on my stomach and laid my head on one of the many pillows.

I didn't sleep, I waited for J to arrive. After a while, I heard the door behind me open. I didn't bother moving, he'd come lay with me. I felt each of his hands grab one of my ankles. He ran his hands slowly up my legs and gripped my ass roughly. He grabbed my ankles again and pulled harshly, leaving me bend over the edge of the bed. He ran his hands up my thighs again, and crept them farther up my shirt until he met my hips. When he felt the thin strip of fabric on my hip he shot me a curious glance before lifting my shirt up over my rear.

The soft groan that left his lips when he saw my lace undergarment was one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard. I let out a giggle and bend over farther, grinding against his crotch. "You like my panties, J" He dug his hands into my hair, "Mm, Daddy loves them baby." he growled, slapping my rear sharply. I let out out a moan, my masochistic tendencies showing. I tried to grind against him again but J stopped me.

"Not tonight baby. Daddy has a lot of work to do tomorrow." I let out a frustrated groan and pouted. "Fine." I snapped bitterly, getting up to walk out. He pushed me back onto the bad and grabbed another fistful of my hair. He spoke now out of anger, "You watch your tone! No attitude!" I pulled my hair out of his grip and climbed under the covers. J glared at me with fire in his eyes. He climbed under the covers with me and grabbed my hips. He yanked me against him, ignoring my protests and attempts to get out of his steel grip. He grabbed my jaw and let out a snarl before forcing his lips onto mine. He bit down hard on my lip with his metal teeth.

"Stop being a brat." He said darkly, "Don't make Daddy punish you."

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